
Black Hole

Buraco Negro

My eyes are so bleary My eyes are so bleary Meus olhos estão tão sonolentos I guess I'm young but I feel so weary I guess I'm young but I feel so weary Eu acho que sou jovem Mas me sinto tão cansada I tried to express it I tried to express it Eu tentei expressar isso But I think it's all a bore But I think it's all a bore Mas eu acho Isso tudo uma chateação It's at the heart of me It's at the heart of me Isso está no meu coração A very part of me A very part of me Uma parte de mim Speak slowly Speak slowly Fale devagar I can't hear you I can't hear you Eu não consigo te ouvir My mind keeps spinning My mind keeps spinning Minha mente continua girando Closer and closer Closer and closer Cada vez mais perto To the rain on the roof To the rain on the roof Da chuva no telhado And the rain in my head And the rain in my head E a chuva na minha cabeça And the things that you said And the things that you said E as coisas que você disse Keep on sinking further ahead Keep on sinking further ahead As pessoas levam isso adiante And it just gets And it just gets E isso só fica tão confuso So foggy So foggy Não é em nenhum lugar aqui Its nowhere in here Its nowhere in here E está em todo lugar And it's everywhere else And it's everywhere else Que eu não quero estar That I don't want to be That I don't want to be Mas eu estou presa aqui But I'm stuck here But I'm stuck here Ficando confusa por você Getting misty over you Getting misty over you Eu estou sozinha I'm alone on a bicycle for two I'm alone on a bicycle for two Numa bicicleta para dois

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