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You will breeze in, fresh air that you are, You will breeze in, fresh air that you are, Você vai na brisa, o ar fresco que você é, They will inhale you deep into their lungs. They will inhale you deep into their lungs. Eles irão inspirar você profundamente em seus pulmões. They will exhale you as far as you may go They will exhale you as far as you may go Eles irão exalar você tanto quanto você pode ir and you will touch their souls. and you will touch their souls. e você vai tocar suas almas. Imagine yourself floating away, Imagine yourself floating away, Imagine-se flutuando para longe, imagine the tiniest little pixi people imagine the tiniest little pixi people imagine as pessoas mais ínfimo pouco pixi rubbing lotion into your face rubbing lotion into your face esfregando loção em seu rosto Imagine your feet had never touched the eart Imagine your feet had never touched the eart Imagine que seus pés nunca tinha tocado o eart Imagine you are flying above the whole human race Imagine you are flying above the whole human race Imagine que você está voando sobre toda a raça humana just gliding above it all. just gliding above it all. apenas deslizando acima de tudo. You will breeze in, fresh air that you are, You will breeze in, fresh air that you are, Você vai na brisa, o ar fresco que você é, They will inhale you deep into their lungs. They will inhale you deep into their lungs. Eles irão inspirar você profundamente em seus pulmões. They will exhale you as far as you may go They will exhale you as far as you may go Eles irão exalar você tanto quanto você pode ir and you will touch their souls. and you will touch their souls. e você vai tocar suas almas. Imagine you were dreaming in a bed Imagine you were dreaming in a bed Imagine que você estava sonhando em uma cama of fresh green leaves of fresh green leaves de folhas verdes frescas and you awoke to a shining sun and you awoke to a shining sun e você acordou com um sol brilhando [ Xavier Rudd Lyrics are found on www.findlyrics.com ] [ Xavier Rudd Lyrics are found on www.findlyrics.com ] [Lyrics Xavier Rudd são encontrados em www.findlyrics.com] the good people of the world all free. the good people of the world all free. as pessoas boas do mundo todos gratuitos. You will breeze in, fresh air that you are, You will breeze in, fresh air that you are, Você vai na brisa, o ar fresco que você é, They will inhale you deep into their lungs. They will inhale you deep into their lungs. Eles irão inspirar você profundamente em seus pulmões. They will exhale you as far as you may go They will exhale you as far as you may go Eles irão exalar você tanto quanto você pode ir and you will touch their souls. and you will touch their souls. e você vai tocar suas almas. Now you're leaving home Now you're leaving home Agora você está saindo de casa ya got ya business to do ya got ya business to do ya ya tem de fazer negócios hollow as an old log and I'm thinking of you hollow as an old log and I'm thinking of you oca como um log de idade e eu estou pensando em você so many times and years so many times and years tantas vezes e anos well they seem so much less well they seem so much less assim eles parecem muito menos we were truly blessed! we were truly blessed! estávamos verdadeiramente abençoado! You will breeze in, fresh air that you are, You will breeze in, fresh air that you are, Você vai na brisa, o ar fresco que você é, They will inhale you deep into their lungs. They will inhale you deep into their lungs. Eles irão inspirar você profundamente em seus pulmões. They will exhale you as far as you may go They will exhale you as far as you may go Eles irão exalar você tanto quanto você pode ir and you will touch their souls. and you will touch their souls. e você vai tocar suas almas.

Composição: Xavier Rudd

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