Blistered feet, bloodied alone Blistered feet, bloodied alone Pés feridos, sangrava abandonado Walked the streets a man unknown Walked the streets a man unknown Andava pelas ruas como um desconhecido Battered face as he adorns Battered face as he adorns O rosto maltratado enquanto lhe colocavam A mocker's robe, a crown of thorns A mocker's robe, a crown of thorns Um falso manto e uma coroa de espinhos A tree designed for his demise A tree designed for his demise Uma árvore nascida para o seu fim Cursed, maligned by guilty cries Cursed, maligned by guilty cries Amaldiçoado, insultado pelos gritos culpados The nails and hammer they did meet The nails and hammer they did meet Os pregos e a marreta se encontraram Two in the hands, one in the feet Two in the hands, one in the feet Dois nas mãos e um nos pés Risen up, put on display Risen up, put on display Foi elevado e exposto For a guilty mob to scream and say For a guilty mob to scream and say A uma multidão de culpados, que gritava e dizia Crucify! Crucify! Crucify! Crucify! Crucifica-o! Crucifica-o! The people yelled to crucify The people yelled to crucify O povo gritava para crucificarem He must die! He must die! He must die! He must die! Merece morrer! Merece morrer! Without a fight he did comply Without a fight he did comply Sem resistir, ele se entregou I do not know the pain you felt I do not know the pain you felt Não conheço a dor que Você sentiu Or lowly service as you knelt Or lowly service as you knelt Ou como Você se ajoelhou Down before such lowly men you served (and washed their feet) Down before such lowly men you served (and washed their feet) E como serviu a tão humildes homens (lavando-lhes os pés) Who is this man they sent to die? Who is this man they sent to die? Quem é esse homem enviado para morrer? Many still could not reply Many still could not reply Muitos não sabiam responder Betrayed and sold by his very own (with a kiss) Betrayed and sold by his very own (with a kiss) Traído e vendido por um dos seus (com um beijo) He met the needs of thousands fed He met the needs of thousands fed Reconheceu a fome dos milhares que alimentou Healed the sick and raised the dead Healed the sick and raised the dead Curou os doentes e reviveu os mortos My god! My god! the man did say My god! My god! the man did say Meu Deus! Meu Deus! disse o homem Have you forsaken me this day? Have you forsaken me this day? Por quê me abandonaste? Bleeding, dying; words were few Bleeding, dying; words were few Sangrando, morrendo; tinha poucas palavras Forgive them lord for what they do Forgive them lord for what they do Perdoai-os, Pai, pelo que fazem Gasping breath they heard him say Gasping breath they heard him say Ofegante, ouviram-no dizer It is finished! It is finished! Tudo está consumado! Laid below the ground you knew it couldn't hold you Laid below the ground you knew it couldn't hold you Enterrado sob o solo que não vos conteria They thought that you were bound by nature's laws They thought that you were bound by nature's laws Pensavam que Você era sujeito às leis naturais He is risen! He is risen! He is risen! He is risen! Ressuscitou! Ressuscitou! For the veil that was torn in two and the darkness that would ensue For the veil that was torn in two and the darkness that would ensue Pelo véu que rasgou-se em dois e pela escuridão que se seguiu A symbol alas that the debt was finally paid A symbol alas that the debt was finally paid Um símbolo de que a dívida finalmente fora paga When the stone it was rolled away, he was no longer where he lay When the stone it was rolled away, he was no longer where he lay Quando a pedra rolou, ele não estava mais onde fora colocado Surely our king had risen from the dead Surely our king had risen from the dead Certamente o nosso Rei ressuscitara dos mortos On and on and on we're singing On and on and on we're singing E desde então estamos cantando Singing out for all to hear us Singing out for all to hear us Com toda força aos que nos ouvem This is not a simple story This is not a simple story Essa não é uma história qualquer Our lives are for your glory Our lives are for your glory Vivemos pela Vossa glória Beyond my words and written pages Beyond my words and written pages Além das minhas palavras e das páginas escritas Your song across the ages Your song across the ages Sua música ressoa através dos séculos