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Miles Away

Milhas Distante

So this is love So this is love Então, isto é amor, or so you tell me or so you tell me ou assim você o diz? As you're walking As you're walking Enquanto caminha out the door out the door porta afora The months go by The months go by Os meses passam, and I know for certain and I know for certain e eu tenho por certo it's not the love it's not the love Este não é o amor I'm looking for I'm looking for que procuro But sometimes just for a moment But sometimes just for a moment Mas às vezes, só por um momento I reach out hope you're still there I reach out hope you're still there Eu estendo a mão, na esperança de que você ainda esteja aí Miles away Miles away Milhas distante, No you're never turnin back No you're never turnin back não, você nunca vai voltar and I just can't wait anymore and I just can't wait anymore E eu não posso mais esperar Miles away Miles away Milhas distante, nothing left of what we had nothing left of what we had nada restou do que tínhamos just when I needed you the most just when I needed you the most Justamente quando eu mais precisei de você you were miles away you were miles away Você estava milhas distante It's hard to tell It's hard to tell É difícil dizer what you're going through what you're going through o que você está passando you kept your feelings locked you kept your feelings locked Você guardou teus sentimentos trancados inside of you inside of you dentro de você open your heart open your heart Abra teu coração, and chances are and chances are e as chances são de que what you feel what you feel O que você está sentindo I'm feeling too I'm feeling too estou sentindo também If only just for a moment If only just for a moment Se ao menos, apenas por um momento hold on to the dreams that we had hold on to the dreams that we had Agarre-se aos sonhos que tivemos When times were tough When times were tough Quando os tempos foram duros, and you were down and out and you were down and out e você estava acabada who was there by your side who was there by your side Quem estava ao teu lado? but now you're gone and I'm but now you're gone and I'm Mas agora você se foi, so tired of being alone so tired of being alone e estou cansado de estar sozinho with only your promises with only your promises Com apenas tuas promessas The loneliness just fades away The loneliness just fades away A solidão simplesmente desaparece thoughts of you just memories thoughts of you just memories Pensamentos em você, apenas lembranças no cryin now for what we're missin no cryin now for what we're missin Sem choro agora, pelo que sentimos falta time won't forget what you meant to me time won't forget what you meant to me O tempo não esquecerá o que você significou para mim If only for a moment If only for a moment Se ao menos, apenas por um momento Hold on to the dreams that we had Hold on to the dreams that we had Agarre-se aos sonhos que tivemos

Composição: Paul Taylor

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