Wish my memories faded. Wish my memories faded. Desejo as minhas memórias apagadas. I've become someone else and I've become someone else and Eu me tornei outra pessoa e there's no turning back. there's no turning back. não há como voltar atrás. Nothing but desperation. Nothing but desperation. Nada mais que desespero. I become someone else and I become someone else and Me tornar outra pessoa e there's no turning back. there's no turning back. não há como voltar atrás. Repeat with no ending. Repeat with no ending. Repetir sem fim. No telling myself it was all in a dream. No telling myself it was all in a dream. Sem dizer-me que foi tudo um sonho. No chance of salvation. No chance of salvation. Sem chance de salvação. No telling myself it was all in a dream. No telling myself it was all in a dream. Sem dizer-me que foi tudo um sonho.