Tell me now Tell me now Diga-me agora How does it feel to see you're talking with your Soul? How does it feel to see you're talking with your Soul? Como se sente Ao ver que você está falando com sua alma? Your dig within Your dig within Sua escavação interna Tell me now Tell me now Diga-me agora Is this the truth you always have been searching for? Is this the truth you always have been searching for? É essa a verdade que Você sempre esteve procurando? Was it worth the price? Was it worth the price? Valeu a pena? Through the veils of human uncertainty Through the veils of human uncertainty Através dos véus da incerteza humana Reside the nameless words we're not allowed to know Reside the nameless words we're not allowed to know Residem as palavras inomináveis (que) Estamos proibidos de saber Would this veil break? Would this veil break? Este véu partiria? That's where your mind has gone That's where your mind has gone É onde sua mente se foi A trip with no return A trip with no return Uma viagem sem retorno Through the meaning of what we call... Life Through the meaning of what we call... Life Através do significado daquilo que chamamos... Vida