Fight, we will fight right, Fight, we will fight right, Lutar, vamos lutar direito, Living low in a world of our own, Living low in a world of our own, Viver num mundo pouco da nossa própria, Destined to live right, fight, Destined to live right, fight, Destinada a viver bem, lutamos, We're taking hell as our home, We're taking hell as our home, Estamos tomando como diabos o nosso lar, Burning lives burning, Burning lives burning, Queima queima vidas, Asking me for the mercy of god, Asking me for the mercy of god, Pedindo-me para a misericórdia de Deus, Ancient cries crying, Ancient cries crying, Ancião chora chorando, Acting fast upon the way of the dog, Acting fast upon the way of the dog, Agindo rápido após o caminho do cão, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell. Welcome to hell. Bem-vindo ao inferno. Kill we will kill death, Kill we will kill death, Matar, vamos matar a morte, Masturbating on the deeds we have done, Masturbating on the deeds we have done, Masturbar sobre as ações que já fizemos, Hell commands death kill, Hell commands death kill, Comandos do inferno matar a morte, Argue not of feel the death of sun, Argue not of feel the death of sun, Argumentam de não sentir a morte de domingo, Burning lives burning, Burning lives burning, Queima queima vidas, Asking me for the mercy of god, Asking me for the mercy of god, Pedindo-me para a misericórdia de Deus, Ancient cries crying, Ancient cries crying, Ancião chora chorando, Acting fast upon the way of the dog, Acting fast upon the way of the dog, Agindo rápido após o caminho do cão, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell. Welcome to hell. Bem-vindo ao inferno. Leave your souls at his feet, Leave your souls at his feet, Deixe sua alma em seus pés, Kiss the flames, Kiss the flames, Beije as chamas, Scorn defeat. Scorn defeat. Escória derrotada. Die we won't die live, Die we won't die live, Morrer, não vamos morrer vivos, Our choice of difference is what you'll never know, Our choice of difference is what you'll never know, A nossa escolha de diferença é aquilo que você nunca sabe, Mortal voids live die, Mortal voids live die, Mortais vazios vivos morrem, Buried deep beneath the fall of the snow, Buried deep beneath the fall of the snow, Enterrado profunda abaixo da queda da neve, Burning lives burning, Burning lives burning, Queima queima vidas, Asking me for the mercy of god, Asking me for the mercy of god, Pedindo-me para a misericórdia de Deus, Ancient cries crying, Ancient cries crying, Ancião chora chorando, Acting fast upon the way of the dog, Acting fast upon the way of the dog, Agindo rápido após o caminho do cão, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell, Welcome to hell, Bem-vindo ao inferno, Welcome to hell. Welcome to hell. Bem-vindo ao inferno.