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Lucifer Rising

Lucifer Subindo

A sense of doom the warning A sense of doom the warning Um senso de destruição a advertência This is our Christ returning This is our Christ returning Este é nosso Cristo retornando The tide of fear arising The tide of fear arising A maré de medo surgindo We light the candles to sing We light the candles to sing Nós acendemos as velas para cantar Lucifer rising – Rising Lucifer rising – Rising Lucifer Subindo-Subindo Lucifer rising – Look into the light Lucifer rising – Look into the light Lucifer Subindo-Olhar na luz Lucifer rising – Rising Lucifer rising – Rising Lucifer Subindo-Subindo Lucifer rising Lucifer rising Lucifer Subindo A sense of tread the danger A sense of tread the danger Um senso de passo o perigo We welcome the dark stranger We welcome the dark stranger Nós damos boas-vindas o estranho escuro To bring infernal glory To bring infernal glory Trazer glória infernal Rewrite biblical stories Rewrite biblical stories Reescreva histórias bíblicas A hopelessness foreboding A hopelessness foreboding Um pressentimento de desesperança Forgotten tales corroding Forgotten tales corroding Contos esquecidos corroendo The laughter turns to crying The laughter turns to crying A risada torna-se choro While Nazarene lies dying While Nazarene lies dying Enquanto Nazarene mente morrendo.

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