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At War With Satan

En guerra con Satanás!

The dark silouette of the creature The dark silouette of the creature La silueta oscura de la criatura poised, crouched on the corner of a cliffs edge poised, crouched on the corner of a cliffs edge a punto, en cuclillas en la esquina de un borde de los acantilados waits eagerly, eyes glare patiently. waits eagerly, eyes glare patiently. espera con impaciencia, los ojos el resplandor paciencia. Red eyes filled with fire and torment Red eyes filled with fire and torment Enrojecimiento de los ojos llenos de fuego y tormento gleam in the frenzied brightness gleam in the frenzied brightness brillo en el brillo de la frenética across the shadowed vallies below. across the shadowed vallies below. a través de los valles sombra a continuación. A crack of thunder breaks the deafening silence A crack of thunder breaks the deafening silence Un trueno rompe el silencio ensordecedor which once ruled the planes, the creature is unmoved which once ruled the planes, the creature is unmoved que una vez gobernó los planos, la criatura no se inmuta by the commotion and the noise, and the blinding fork by the commotion and the noise, and the blinding fork por la conmoción y el ruido, y el tenedor ceguera of lightening which strikes only a few yards from where of lightening which strikes only a few yards from where de un rayo que golpea a pocos metros de donde lays it wait for something... lays it wait for something... establece que esperar por algo ... Satan laughs, wings spread to magnificent fullness, Satan laughs, wings spread to magnificent fullness, Satanás se ríe, alas a la plenitud magnífica, the creature stands at full glory, inhaling deeply the creature stands at full glory, inhaling deeply la criatura se encuentra en plena gloria, inhalando profundamente the ice cold air each tender muscle rippling in the ice cold air each tender muscle rippling in el aire helado cada músculo tierno murmullo en the almighty stench of the great dimentional diety... the almighty stench of the great dimentional diety... el hedor de la deidad todopoderosa dimensiones grandes ... Lucifer smiles, from the far far west a chariot of fire Lucifer smiles, from the far far west a chariot of fire Sonrisas Lucifer, desde el oeste hasta el momento un carro de fuego emerges travelling at a tremendous speed toward the emerges travelling at a tremendous speed toward the sale a una velocidad tremenda hacia el creature, the creature laughs as if in an immense creature, the creature laughs as if in an immense criatura, la criatura se ríe como si estuviera en un inmenso state of frenzy the creature leaps up off the ridge state of frenzy the creature leaps up off the ridge estado de frenesí a la criatura salta fuera de la cresta and hollers with dignity in the now cloudless sky and hollers with dignity in the now cloudless sky y grita con dignidad en el cielo ahora despejado its long red hair blowing freely in the wind... its long red hair blowing freely in the wind... su cabello largo de color rojo que sopla libremente en el viento ... The chariot emerges and with a sharp swift movement The chariot emerges and with a sharp swift movement El carro sale y con un rápido movimiento fuerte the creature takes the reigns and flies up into the the creature takes the reigns and flies up into the la criatura toma las riendas y vuela en el night, howling out immortal cries, a prediction night, howling out immortal cries, a prediction noche, aullando gritos inmortal, una predicción of war, of war, de la guerra, At war with Satan! At war with Satan! En guerra con Satanás! The warriors gather slowly around The warriors gather slowly around Los guerreros se reúnen lentamente alrededor de The sacred city, Hell The sacred city, Hell La ciudad sagrada, el Infierno Satan screams a vengance Satan screams a vengance Satanás grita venganza On the land as the angels fell On the land as the angels fell En la tierra como los ángeles cayeron Tyrants pray disaster for the Tyrants pray disaster for the Tiranos orar desastre para el Land of love and trust Land of love and trust Tierra de amor y confianza Demons plot a way to turn Demons plot a way to turn Demonios trazar una forma de convertir The Heavens into dust. The Heavens into dust. Los cielos en polvo. The standard bearers chosen The standard bearers chosen Los abanderados elegido From the mass of Satan's dogs From the mass of Satan's dogs De la masa de los perros de Satanás To hold the flag of Hades high To hold the flag of Hades high Para mantener la bandera de Hades alta Defying all the gods Defying all the gods Desafiando todos los dioses Satan laughs the words of war Satan laughs the words of war Satanás se ríe de las palabras de la guerra The Heavens shake with fear The Heavens shake with fear Los cielos temblar de miedo Armageddon sings his song Armageddon sings his song Armageddon canta su canción The battle's ever near. The battle's ever near. La batalla es siempre cerca. Let the joyous celebrations of Hell begin Let the joyous celebrations of Hell begin Vamos a la fiesta alegre del Infierno comienzan Who holds the keys to the seven gates? Who holds the keys to the seven gates? ¿Quién tiene las llaves de las siete puertas? Lucifer's demonic laughter Lucifer's demonic laughter La risa demoníaca de Lucifer Assist our quest, Belial prays Assist our quest, Belial prays Ayudar a nuestra búsqueda, ora Belial free from Hell who serves the master free from Hell who serves the master libre del infierno, que sirve a los maestros Sound the charge on Sabbaths day. Sound the charge on Sabbaths day. El sonido de la carga en el día de reposo. Charge! Charge! A la carga! Crest the demon's souls Crest the demon's souls Cresta de las almas de los demonios Show yourselves in power Show yourselves in power Preséntense en el poder Angels fear resist Angels fear resist Los ángeles temen resistir nothing holds the storm nothing holds the storm nada tiene de la tormenta Inform the grand master of Hades Inform the grand master of Hades Informar al gran maestro de Hades Storm the gates! Storm the gates! Derribar las puertas! Free from the pits of Hell Free from the pits of Hell Libre de los abismos del infierno Slaves emerge the mountain Slaves emerge the mountain Esclavos emergen de la montaña We shall destroy the accursed Heavens We shall destroy the accursed Heavens Vamos a destruir los cielos malditos Advance great legions strong Advance great legions strong Avance legiones grande y fuerte Crush the gates and enter free Crush the gates and enter free Aplastar a las puertas y entran gratis Our lord of Hell must take God's throne Our lord of Hell must take God's throne Nuestro señor del infierno debe tomar el trono de Dios Heavenly inferno Heavenly inferno Infierno celestial Spread the message far... Spread the message far... Difundir el mensaje de lejos ... Take to the skies! Take to the skies! Surca los cielos! Come on... Come on... Vamos ... Frenzied demons - Angel's cries Frenzied demons - Angel's cries Demonios frenética - grito de Angel Lucifer commands the orgy Lucifer commands the orgy Lucifer comandos de la orgía Molten mayhem, one thousand lies Molten mayhem, one thousand lies Caos fundido de mil mentiras Heaven fails to hold tranquility Heaven fails to hold tranquility El cielo deja de mantener la tranquilidad The brides of sin are wed The brides of sin are wed Las novias del pecado se casan Their price, nine holy heads Their price, nine holy heads Su precio, nueve cabezas de santos White marble walls bleed red White marble walls bleed red Las paredes blancas de mármol de color rojo sangre Fuck the Bastards Fuck the Bastards Fuck the bastardos Come on... Come on... Vamos ... God's creation - all must see God's creation - all must see La creación de Dios - todo hay que ver Heavens Hell Heavens Hell Cielo el infierno God has fell God has fell Dios ha cayeron Sound the knell Sound the knell La sentencia de Where time and space collide Where time and space collide Donde el tiempo y el espacio chocan Mortals sit and watch the tide Mortals sit and watch the tide Mortales sentarse y ver la marea Of Angels crashing up against the sacred shore Of Angels crashing up against the sacred shore De los Ángeles al chocar contra la costa sagrado Without the holy grail Without the holy grail Sin el santo grial Only evil can prevail Only evil can prevail Sólo el mal puede prevalecer The church of God can't hide the truth no more The church of God can't hide the truth no more La iglesia de Dios no puede ocultar la verdad no más Can't see the light no more Can't see the light no more No se puede ver la luz no más Light up the skies... Light up the skies... Iluminan los cielos ... The Demons ring the Sabbath bells The Demons ring the Sabbath bells Los demonios sonar las campanas del sábado Rejoice the witches chant Rejoice the witches chant Alegra el canto de las brujas Preper the sacrafice - by fire Preper the sacrafice - by fire Preper el sacrificio - por el fuego The blood runs black through heavens shell The blood runs black through heavens shell La sangre corre a través de shell negro cielo Declare the witches dance Declare the witches dance Declarar la danza brujas Nothing shall suffice Nothing shall suffice Nada será suficiente The souls of Christ The souls of Christ El alma de Cristo Drag him through the whores! Drag him through the whores! Arrastrarlo a través de las putas! Come on... Come on... Vamos ... Come on... Come on... Vamos ... Orgies filled with joyous laughter Orgies filled with joyous laughter Orgías se llenó de risa alegre Alters of the flesh Alters of the flesh Altera de la carne Equinox eternal glory Equinox eternal glory Equinoccio de eterna gloria El descends in death El descends in death El desciende en la muerte Satan's empire Satan's empire Imperio de Satanás A new born flaming star A new born flaming star Una nueva estrella nace en llamas Children screaming out in pain Children screaming out in pain Niños gritando de dolor Destroy the priests Destroy the priests Destruir a los sacerdotes Destroy their reign Destroy their reign Destruir su reinado Tyrant pledge the souls of legions Tyrant pledge the souls of legions Tirano promesa a las almas de las legiones Sullen and remorse Sullen and remorse Hosca y el remordimiento Tana turns the key of life Tana turns the key of life Tana gira la llave de la vida To hear the thunder roar To hear the thunder roar Para escuchar el rugido de los truenos Ancients gather amidst the stars Ancients gather amidst the stars Ancianos se reúnen en medio de las estrellas Mortals stare in fear Mortals stare in fear Los mortales miran con miedo The Earth is damned beneath the mist The Earth is damned beneath the mist La Tierra está condenada por debajo de la niebla A veil of angels tears A veil of angels tears Un velo de lágrimas los ángeles White clouds of life are turning black White clouds of life are turning black Nubes blancas de la vida se vuelve negro The virgin pure she fears attack The virgin pure she fears attack La virgen puro teme ataque Come on... Come on... Vamos ... You are damned... You are damned... Usted está maldito ... Children of pleasure move Children of pleasure move Los niños se mueven de placer appear amongst us appear amongst us aparecen entre nosotros The dark Lord has opened his jaws The dark Lord has opened his jaws El Señor Oscuro ha abierto sus fauces Raise for Satanic queen Raise for Satanic queen Levante de satánicos reina Ye sons and daughters Ye sons and daughters Os hijos e hijas Take heed the flame forever learn Take heed the flame forever learn Mirad la llama siempre aprender Now is come salvation Now is come salvation Ahora ha venido la salvación Strength and the kingdom of our Strength and the kingdom of our La fuerza y Satanic majesty Satanic majesty Satánica majestad You'll always learn! You'll always learn! Usted siempre aprender! Are you damned in Hell? Are you damned in Hell? ¿Está condenado en el infierno? Damned in Hell Damned in Hell Condenados en el infierno Lilith holds the black heart in her hands Lilith holds the black heart in her hands Lilith tiene el corazón negro en sus manos The blood flows The blood flows La sangre fluye Desecration of God's holy shrine Desecration of God's holy shrine Profanación del templo santo de Dios Armageddon Armageddon Armagedón Hahahahahhahaha Hahahahahhahaha Hahahahahhahaha Pandamonium burns in the night Pandamonium burns in the night Pandamonium quemaduras en la noche The Hell spawn The Hell spawn La semilla infierno Celebrations at Sabbats galore Celebrations at Sabbats galore Celebraciones en abundancia Sabbats Unite with mother whore Unite with mother whore Unirse con puta madre Take that bitch Take that bitch Tome esa perra We shall not be destroyed... We shall not be destroyed... No será destruido ... Satan laughs, damnation has sunk its talons deep Satan laughs, damnation has sunk its talons deep Satanás se ríe, la condena se ha hundido sus garras profundas into the womb of utopia spilling forth great streams into the womb of utopia spilling forth great streams en el vientre de la utopía derramar adelante grandes corrientes of virginal purity and bliss. of virginal purity and bliss. de la pureza virginal y la felicidad. The golden throne of the tetgrammaton is ablaze, The golden throne of the tetgrammaton is ablaze, El trono de oro de la tetgrammaton está en llamas, Satanic majesty sits proud, the joyous drones of celebration Satanic majesty sits proud, the joyous drones of celebration Satánica majestad se sienta orgulloso, los zánganos de la celebración gozosa enact scenes of blasphemy, lust and destruction. enact scenes of blasphemy, lust and destruction. promulgar las escenas de la blasfemia, la lujuria y la destrucción. Raping the holy trinity the Sabbath chimes the tunes of bless Raping the holy trinity the Sabbath chimes the tunes of bless Violar a la Santísima Trinidad el sábado campanadas de las canciones bendiga and sanity, the Heavens in their last throes of death. and sanity, the Heavens in their last throes of death. y la cordura, el cielo en sus últimos estertores de la muerte. Gabriel and his arc angels falling ever downwards through the Gabriel and his arc angels falling ever downwards through the Gabriel y sus ángeles arco cae hacia abajo, siempre a través de la fires of pandemonium to the dark deserted depths of Hell fires of pandemonium to the dark deserted depths of Hell incendios de caos a las oscuras profundidades del infierno desierta their broken bloodstained wings scorched the by raging inferno their broken bloodstained wings scorched the by raging inferno sus alas manchadas de sangre rota quemada por el furioso infierno lay battered by the shores of the styx. lay battered by the shores of the styx. sentar maltratadas por las orillas de la laguna Estigia. Weary from the battle they seek refuge, bathing their wounds Weary from the battle they seek refuge, bathing their wounds Cansados in the blood of a million matyrs while celebration ringing in the blood of a million matyrs while celebration ringing en la sangre de un millón de matyrs mientras que la celebración de llamada in the heavens grows strong the keys to the seven gates of Hell in the heavens grows strong the keys to the seven gates of Hell en los cielos se hace fuerte las teclas de las siete puertas del infierno lie momenterally unguarded. lie momenterally unguarded. mentira momenterally vigilancia. Raging flames carved by the innocence of the angel's hearts Raging flames carved by the innocence of the angel's hearts Furiosas llamas talladas por la inocencia del corazón del ángel will release forth their wealth of centuries of God loving will release forth their wealth of centuries of God loving dará a conocer sucesivamente la riqueza de sus siglos de amar a Dios souls once wronged of their destiny of Heaven's golden palace. souls once wronged of their destiny of Heaven's golden palace. las almas, una vez hecho mal de su destino de palacio dorado del cielo. An unseen presence breaths never before pangs of mortal hatred An unseen presence breaths never before pangs of mortal hatred Un respirar presencia invisible nunca antes dolores de odio mortal and anger deep into the pounding hearts of the angels. and anger deep into the pounding hearts of the angels. y una rabia profunda en el corazón golpeando de los ángeles. Once more the creature is summoned to deliver a decleration of Once more the creature is summoned to deliver a decleration of Una vez más, la criatura está llamada a ofrecer una decleration de war, war, la guerra, At war with Satan! At war with Satan! En guerra con Satanás! The angels gather slowly around The angels gather slowly around Los ángeles se reúnen lentamente alrededor de The sacred city Hell The sacred city Hell El infierno de la ciudad sagrada Gabriel screams a vengence of the Gabriel screams a vengence of the Gabriel gritos una venganza de la Land as the angels fell Land as the angels fell La tierra como los ángeles cayeron Matyrs prey disaster for the Matyrs prey disaster for the Matyrs presa desastre para el Land of hate and scorn Land of hate and scorn La tierra del odio y el desprecio The Angels curse the day the antichrist The Angels curse the day the antichrist Los Angelinos maldecir el día en que el anticristo Was ever born... Was ever born... Ha nacido ...

Composição: Jeff Dunn/Conrad Lant

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