


To you To you Para usted I surrender the love within I surrender the love within Me entrego al amor dentro de Your like chlorine Your like chlorine Su cloro como poisonous to the brain poisonous to the brain tóxicos para el cerebro Without you Without you Sin ti seems I cannot win seems I cannot win Parece que no puede ganar Knife through my heart Knife through my heart Cuchillo a través de mi corazón causing me to drain causing me to drain haciéndome drenaje Never in my liftime Never in my liftime Nunca en mi liftime have I ever felt this way have I ever felt this way he sentido alguna vez de esta manera Love was always blocked from reach Love was always blocked from reach El amor siempre fue bloqueado del alcance de los I found an emotion I found an emotion Encontré una emoción it might be love it might be love podría ser el amor Is it love Is it love ¿Es el amor

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