Original Espanhol



Não se mova Don't move Don't move Não fale sobre o tempo Don't talk out of time Don't talk out of time Não pense Don't think Don't think Não se preocupe, Don't worry Don't worry Tudo está muito bem Everything's just fine Everything's just fine Muito bem Just fine Just fine Não agarre Don't grab Don't grab Não use a embreagem Don't clutch Don't clutch Não espere por muitas coisas Don't hope for too much Don't hope for too much Não respire Don't breathe Don't breathe Não alcance Don't achieve Don't achieve Ou se aflija sem licença. Or grieve without leave Or grieve without leave Não verifique Don't check Don't check Somente se equilibre na cerca Just balance on the fence Just balance on the fence Não responda. Don't answer Don't answer Não pergunte Don't ask Don't ask Não tente e faça o sentido. Don't try and make sense Don't try and make sense Não sussurre Don't whisper Don't whisper Não fale Don't talk Don't talk Não corra se você puder andar Don't run if you can walk Don't run if you can walk Não trapaceie, compita Don't cheat, compete Don't cheat, compete Não perca uma batida. Don't miss the one beat Don't miss the one beat Não viaje de trem Don't travel by train Don't travel by train Não coma Don't eat Don't eat Não derrame Don't spill Don't spill Não mije no cano de esgoto Don't piss in the drain Don't piss in the drain Não faça um testamento. Don't make a will Don't make a will Não preencha nenhum formulário Don't fill out any forms Don't fill out any forms Não compense Don't compensate Don't compensate Não cubra Don't cower Don't cower Não rasteje Don't crawl Don't crawl Não venha quando for tarde Don't come around late Don't come around late Não fique pairando no portão Don't hover at the gate Don't hover at the gate Não escreva na placa Don't take it on board Don't take it on board Não caia em sua espada Don't fall on your sword Don't fall on your sword Só toque mais um acorde Just play another chord Just play another chord Se você sentiu é porque está ficando entediado If you feel you're getting bored If you feel you're getting bored Suficiente enough enough Não mude seu tipo Don't change your brand Don't change your brand Não escute a banda Don't listen to the band Don't listen to the band Não fique boquiaberto Don't gape Don't gape Aprenda get get Não imite Don't ape Don't ape Não mude sua forma Don't change your shape Don't change your shape Coma outra uva Have another grape Have another grape Suficiente enough enough Não implore Don't plead Don't plead Não freie Don't bridle Don't bridle Não algeme Don't shackle Don't shackle Não moa Don't grind Don't grind Não se curve Don't curve Don't curve Não desvie-se Don't swerve Don't swerve Minta, morra, sirva Lie, die, serve Lie, die, serve Não teorize, entenda, polarize, Don't theorize, realise, polarise Don't theorize, realise, polarise Arrisque-se, dance, despeça, desculpe-se Chance, dance,dismiss, apologise Chance, dance,dismiss, apologise Aprenda get get Suficiente enough enough Não espie Don't spy Don't spy Não minta Don't lie Don't lie Não tente Don't try Don't try Implicar Imply Imply Deter Detain Detain Explicar Explain Explain Comece outra vez Start again Start again Não triunfe Don't triumph Don't triumph Não persuada Don't coax Don't coax Não se una Don't cling Don't cling Não o engane Don't hoax Don't hoax Não enlouqueça Don't freak Don't freak Pico Peak Peak Não escape Don't leak Don't leak Não fale Don't speak Don't speak Não projete Don't project Don't project Não conecte Don't connect Don't connect Proteja Protect Protect Não espere Don't expect Don't expect Sugira Suggest Suggest Não projete Don't project Don't project Não conecte Don't connect Don't connect Proteja Protect Protect Não espere Don't expect Don't expect Sugira Suggest Suggest Não se esforce Don't struggle Don't struggle Não empurre Don't jerk Don't jerk Não pegue alguém pelo colarinho Don't collar Don't collar Não trabalhe Don't work Don't work Não deseje Don't wish Don't wish Não pesque Don't fish Don't fish Não ensine Don't teach Don't teach Não alcance Don't reach Don't reach Não peça emprestado Don't borrow Don't borrow Suficiente enough enough Não quebre Don't break Don't break Não cerque Don't fence Don't fence Não roube Don't steal Don't steal Não passe Don't pass Don't pass Não prense Don't press Don't press Não tente Don't try Don't try Não sinta Don't feel Don't feel Não toque Don't touch Don't touch Não mergulhe Don't dive Don't dive Não sofra Don't suffer Don't suffer Não rime Don't rhyme Don't rhyme Não fantasie Don't fantasize Don't fantasize Não se levante Don't rise Don't rise Não minta Don't lie Don't lie Não projete Don't project Don't project Não conecte Don't connect Don't connect Proteja Protect Protect Não espere Don't expect Don't expect Sugira Suggest Suggest Não projete Don't project Don't project Não conecte Don't connect Don't connect Proteja Protect Protect Não espere Don't expect Don't expect Sugira Suggest Suggest Eu me sinto entorpecido I feel numb I feel numb

Composição: Bono/Adam Clayton/The Edge/Larry Mullen, Jr.

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