
Mother of God

Mother of God

(Recited by Bono) (Recited by Bono) (Recitado por Bono) The Mother of God The Mother of God La Madre de Dios It's... this is by William Butler Yeats: It's... this is by William Butler Yeats: It's ... esto es por William Butler Yeats: The threefold terror of love; a fallen flare The threefold terror of love; a fallen flare La triple terror de amor, un caído bengala Through the hollow of an ear; Through the hollow of an ear; A través del hueco de una oreja; Wings beating about the room; Wings beating about the room; Aleteo de la habitación; The terror of all terrors that I bore The terror of all terrors that I bore El terror de todos los terrores que me llevaba The Heavens in my womb. The Heavens in my womb. El cielo en mi vientre. Had I not found content among the shows Had I not found content among the shows Si no me hubiera encontrado contenido que los programas de televisión Every common woman knows, Every common woman knows, Toda mujer común sabe, Chimney corner, garden walk, Chimney corner, garden walk, Rincón de la chimenea, a pie de jardín, Or rocky cistern where we tread the clothes Or rocky cistern where we tread the clothes O rocoso cisterna en el que la banda de rodadura de la ropa And gather all the talk? And gather all the talk? Y reunir toda la charla? What is this flesh I purchased with my pains, What is this flesh I purchased with my pains, ¿Qué es esta carne que he adquirido con mis dolores, This fallen star my milk sustains, This fallen star my milk sustains, Esta estrella caída del cielo mi leche sostiene, This love that makes my heart's blood stop This love that makes my heart's blood stop Este amor que hace detener la sangre de mi corazón Or strikes a Sudden chill into my bones Or strikes a Sudden chill into my bones O golpea a un súbito frío en mis huesos And bids my hair stand up? And bids my hair stand up? Y las ofertas de mis pelos?

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