Original Espanhol

Love Rescue Me

Amor Me salve

Love rescue me Love rescue me Amor me salve Come forth and speak to me Come forth and speak to me Venha adiante e fale comigo Raise me up and don't let me fall Raise me up and don't let me fall Me levanta e não me deixa cair. No man is my enemy No man is my enemy Nenhum homem é meu inimigo. My own hands imprison me My own hands imprison me Minhas próprias mãos me aprisionam Love rescue me Love rescue me Amor me salve Many strangers have I met Many strangers have I met Muitos estranhos tenho conhecido On the road to my regret On the road to my regret Na estrada para meu remorso Many lost who seek to find themselves in me Many lost who seek to find themselves in me Muitos perdidos buscam encontrar eles mesmos em mim They ask me to reveal They ask me to reveal Eles me pedem para revelar The very thoughts they would conceal The very thoughts they would conceal Os muitos pensamentos que eles esconderiam. Love rescue me Love rescue me Amor, me salve. And the sun in the sky And the sun in the sky E o sol no céu Makes a shadow of you and I Makes a shadow of you and I Faz uma sombra de você e eu Stretching out as the sun sinks in the sea Stretching out as the sun sinks in the sea Esticando como o sol afunda no mar I'm here without a name I'm here without a name Estou aqui sem um nome In the palace of my shame In the palace of my shame No palácio de minha vergonha Said, love rescue me Said, love rescue me Eu disse, amor, me salve. In the cold mirror of a glass In the cold mirror of a glass No espelho frio de um vidro I see my reflection pass I see my reflection pass Vejo meu reflexo passar See the dark shades of what I used to be See the dark shades of what I used to be Eu vejo as formas negras do que eu costumava ser. See the purple of her eyes See the purple of her eyes Eu vejo o roxo dos olhos dela. The scarlet of my lies The scarlet of my lies O escarlate de minhas mentiras. Love rescue me Love rescue me Amor, me salve. Yea, though I walk Yea, though I walk Sim, entretanto eu caminho In the valley of shadow In the valley of shadow No vale de minha sombra Yea, I will fear no evil Yea, I will fear no evil Ainda, não temerei mal algum I have cursed thy rod and staff I have cursed thy rod and staff Eu amaldiçoei as coisas que haviam They no longer comfort me They no longer comfort me Eles não mais me confortam. Love rescue me Love rescue me Amor, me salve. Sha la la...sha la la la Sha la la...sha la la la Sha la la...sha la la la Sha la la la...ha la la... Sha la la la...ha la la... Sha la la la...ha la la... Sha la la la...sha la la la Sha la la la...sha la la la Sha la la la...sha la la la Sha la la la...sha la la Sha la la la...sha la la Sha la la la...sha la la Sha la la la...sha la la la Sha la la la...sha la la la Sha la la la...sha la la la Sha la la... Sha la la... Sha la la... I said love, love rescue me I said love, love rescue me Eu disse, amor, me salve. I said love I said love Eu disse amor Climb up the mountains, said love Climb up the mountains, said love Na subida da montanha, disse amor I said love, oh my love I said love, oh my love Eu disse amor, oh meu amor On the hill of the son On the hill of the son Sobre o canteiro do filho I'm on the eve of a storm I'm on the eve of a storm Eu estou nas véspera da tempestade And my word you must believe in And my word you must believe in E minhas palavras você deve acreditar Oh, I said love, rescue me Oh, I said love, rescue me Oh, eu disse amor, me salve Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah... Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah... Oh sim, oh sim. oh sim... Yeah I'm here without a name Yeah I'm here without a name Sim, estou aqui sem um nome In the palace of my shame In the palace of my shame No palácio de minha vergonha I said love rescue me I said love rescue me Eu disse, amor, me salve. I've conquered my past I've conquered my past Eu conquistei meu passado The future is here at last The future is here at last O futuro está aqui, afinal I stand at the entrance I stand at the entrance Eu permaneço na entrada To a new world I can see To a new world I can see Para um novo mundo que eu posso ver The ruins to the right of me The ruins to the right of me As ruínas à minha direita Will soon have lost sight of me Will soon have lost sight of me Logo perderão de vista, a mim. Love rescue me Love rescue me Amor, me salve.

Composição: Túlio Mourão / Bono / U2

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