Original Espanhol

a Man And a Woman

Little sister don't you worry about a thing today Little sister don't you worry about a thing today Irmãzinha, não se preocupe com nada hoje Take the heat from the sun Take the heat from the sun Sinta o calor do sol Little sister Little sister Irmãzinha I know that everything is not ok I know that everything is not ok Sei que não está tudo bem But you're like honey on my tongue But you're like honey on my tongue Mas você é como mel em minha língua True love never can be rent True love never can be rent O verdadeiro amor nunca pode ser alugado But only true love can keep beauty innocent But only true love can keep beauty innocent Mas apenas o amor verdadeiro pode manter a ingenuidade I could never take a chance I could never take a chance Eu nunca pude ter uma chance Of losing love to find romance Of losing love to find romance De perder amor para encontrar romance In the mysterious distance In the mysterious distance Na misteriosa distância Between a man and a woman Between a man and a woman Entre um homem e uma mulher No I could never take a chance No I could never take a chance Não, eu nunca pude ter uma chance 'Cause I could never understand 'Cause I could never understand Pois nunca pude entender The mysterious distance The mysterious distance A misteriosa distância Between a man and a woman Between a man and a woman Entre um homem e uma mulher You can run from love You can run from love Você pode fugir do amor And if it's really love it will find you And if it's really love it will find you E se for realmente amor ele te achará Catch you by the heel Catch you by the heel Te pegará pelos tornozelos But you can't be numb for love But you can't be numb for love Você não pode se deixar anestesiar pelo amor The only pain is to feel nothing at all The only pain is to feel nothing at all A única dor é não sentir nada disso tudo How can I hurt when I'm holding you? How can I hurt when I'm holding you? Como posso te machucar enquanto estou a te abraçar... I could never take a chance I could never take a chance Eu nunca pude ter uma chance Of losing love to find romance Of losing love to find romance De perder amor para encontrar romance In the mysterious distance In the mysterious distance Na misteriosa distância Between a man and a woman Between a man and a woman Entre um homem e uma mulher And you're the one, there's no-one else And you're the one, there's no-one else E você é a única, não há mais ninguém You make me want to lose myself You make me want to lose myself Faz-me querer perder a mim mesmo In the mysterious distance In the mysterious distance Na misteriosa distância Between a man and a woman Between a man and a woman Entre um homem e uma mulher Brown eyed girl across the street Brown eyed girl across the street Garota de olhos castanhos do outro lado do caminho On rue Saint Divine On rue Saint Divine Na rua Saint Divine I thought this is the one for me I thought this is the one for me Pensei: (é esta que quero pra mim) But she was already mine But she was already mine Mas ela já era minha You were already mine... You were already mine... Você já era minha Little sister Little sister Irmãzinha I've been sleeping in the street again I've been sleeping in the street again Tenho dormido pelas ruas novamente Like a stray dog Like a stray dog Como um cão vira-latas Little sister Little sister Irmãzinha I've been trying to feel complete again I've been trying to feel complete again Tenho tentado me sentir completo novamente But you're gone and so is God But you're gone and so is God Mas você se foi e só tenho a Deus The soul needs beauty for a soul mate The soul needs beauty for a soul mate A alma anseia por uma alma gêmea When the soul wants...the soul waits ... When the soul wants...the soul waits ... Quando a alma quer... ela espera... No I could never take a chance No I could never take a chance Não, eu nunca pude ter uma chance Of losing love to find romance Of losing love to find romance De perder amor para encontrar romance In the mysterious distance In the mysterious distance Na misteriosa distância Between a man and a woman Between a man and a woman Entre um homem e uma mulher For love and sex and faith and fear For love and sex and faith and fear Por amor, fé, sexo e medo And all the things that keep us here And all the things that keep us here E todas as coisas que nos mantêm aqui In the mysterious distance In the mysterious distance Na misteriosa distancia Between a man and a woman Between a man and a woman Entre um homem e uma mulher How can I hurt when I'm holding you? How can I hurt when I'm holding you? Como posso te machucar enquanto estou a te abraçar...

Composição: Lyrics By Bono, Produced By Jacknife Lee, Backing Vocals And Aditional Percussion By The Edge, Synthesizers By Jacknife Lee

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