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Into The Storm

Dentro da Tempestade

Much may change in the life of a man Much may change in the life of a man Muito pode mudar na vida de um homem Now I will sing of how the war first began Now I will sing of how the war first began Agora eu vou cantar como a guerra começou How these dark days of doom became mine How these dark days of doom became mine Como esses dias obscuros de condenação tornaram-se meus It was the year Nine Hundred And Ninety Nine It was the year Nine Hundred And Ninety Nine Foi no ano de novecentos e noventa e nove When pagan poets speak of heathen heroes When pagan poets speak of heathen heroes Quando poetas pagãos falam de heróis bárbaros Holding high the old way Holding high the old way Mantendo em alta os costumes antigos Warriors waging Warriors waging Guerreiros travando batalhas Into the storm Into the storm Dentro da tempestade On wings of dragons On wings of dragons Nas asas dos dragões Fame and fortune Fame and fortune Fama e fortuna Into the storm Into the storm Dentro da tempestade Into the storm Into the storm Dentro da tempestade Into the storm Into the storm Dentro da tempestade From the old land in east we had word From the old land in east we had word Da velha nação a oeste nós tínhamos a palavra Of how the Earl had fallen and then we heard Of how the Earl had fallen and then we heard De como o Conde havia caído e em seguida ouvimos That he dies he who dare disobey That he dies he who dare disobey Que ele mata quem ousa desobedecer When this new king imposes the eastern way When this new king imposes the eastern way Esse novo rei que impõe a maneira oriental When pagan poets speak of heathen heroes When pagan poets speak of heathen heroes Quando poetas pagãos falam de heróis bárbaros A storm has begun by my magic command A storm has begun by my magic command A tempestade começou por meu comando mágico And my runes in the sand will deny them land And my runes in the sand will deny them land E minhas runas na areia vai negar-lhes a terra You may die on our feet or you live on our knees You may die on our feet or you live on our knees Você pode morrer de pé ou viver de joelhos When the raven is fed time will come for peace When the raven is fed time will come for peace Quando o corvo for alimentado o tempo virá para a paz When pagan poets speak of heathen heroes When pagan poets speak of heathen heroes Quando poetas pagãos falam de heróis bárbaros

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