
Pink And Black

Rosa e negro

So, yea, you said you heard this one So, yea, you said you heard this one Así que, sí, usted dijo que oyó un Maybe lived it twice Maybe lived it twice Tal vez vivió dos veces But with bias on my side But with bias on my side Pero con el sesgo de mi lado I swear I've got a different one I swear I've got a different one Te juro que tengo una diferente To be laid to line To be laid to line Para establecer la línea And with a dime for your advice And with a dime for your advice Y con una moneda de diez centavos por su consejo You never saw a man You never saw a man Nunca vi a un hombre Make a fist and grab so fast he said Make a fist and grab so fast he said Haga un puño y agarrar tan rápido que dijo Good luck you know you better just forget it Good luck you know you better just forget it Buena suerte sabes que mejor olvídalo Cause love is never in the same place that you left it Cause love is never in the same place that you left it Porque el amor no está nunca en el mismo lugar donde lo dejó I said you wouldn't understand I said you wouldn't understand Me dijo que no entendería This was long-term love This was long-term love Esto era a largo plazo el amor She was perfectly described She was perfectly described Estaba perfectamente descrito And what she wore when we last met And what she wore when we last met Y lo que ella llevaba cuando nos reunimos por última vez It was pink and black It was pink and black Era de color rosa y negro A study in scarlet up inside A study in scarlet up inside Un estudio en escarlata, en el interior You never saw a man You never saw a man Nunca vi a un hombre With bigger eyes that understand With bigger eyes that understand Con ojos más grandes que entienden He said He said Dijo Good luck you know you better just forget it Good luck you know you better just forget it Buena suerte sabes que mejor olvídalo Cause love is never in the same place that you left it Cause love is never in the same place that you left it Porque el amor no está nunca en el mismo lugar donde lo dejó You never saw a man You never saw a man Nunca vi a un hombre With bigger eyes that understand With bigger eyes that understand Con ojos más grandes que entienden He said He said Dijo Good luck you know you better go and get it Good luck you know you better go and get it Buena suerte sabes que mejor ir a buscarla Cause love is never in the same place if you left it Cause love is never in the same place if you left it Porque el amor no está nunca en el mismo lugar si la izquierda He said good luck you know you better go and get her He said good luck you know you better go and get her Dijo que la buena suerte usted sabe mejor que vaya a buscarla Cause love is never in the same place if you left her Cause love is never in the same place if you left her Porque el amor no está nunca en el mismo lugar si usted la dejó

Composição: Tyler Hilton

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