A common woman A common woman Uma mulher comum Lives by the bible Lives by the bible Vive pela bíblia Wed-locked a prison Wed-locked a prison Trancada em uma prisão Of antiquation Of antiquation De envelhecimento Brings life to the earth Brings life to the earth Traz vida à terra While losing her mind While losing her mind Enquanto perde sua cabeça Trying suicide Trying suicide Tentando suicídio Hallucinating Satan Hallucinating Satan Alucinando o Satan Forcing her own blood down Forcing her own blood down Forçando o próprio sangue às ruínas Beneath the waters to drown Beneath the waters to drown Abaixo das águas ao afogamento Lying dead with eyes wide open Lying dead with eyes wide open Mentindo com os olhos bem abertos Spiraling downward Spiraling downward Indo abaixo como um espiral Refusing all help Refusing all help Recusando toda ajuda Self-mutilation Self-mutilation Auto mutilação Neglects the children Neglects the children Negligencia as crianças Dagger licks her neck Dagger licks her neck Punhal lambe seu pescoço Desiring escape Desiring escape Desejando fugir Succumbing Satan Succumbing Satan Sucumbindo o Satan Robbed by the seventh deadly sin Robbed by the seventh deadly sin Roubado pelo sétimo pecado mortal Forcing her own blood down Forcing her own blood down Forçando o próprio sangue às ruínas Beneath the waters to drown Beneath the waters to drown Abaixo das águas ao afogamento Lying dead with eyes wide open Lying dead with eyes wide open Mentindo com os olhos bem abertos Believing Satan was inside Believing Satan was inside Acreditando que o Satan estava dentro de si Ordering to abide Ordering to abide Ordenando-a a suportar To destroy her cursed children To destroy her cursed children A destruir suas crianças amaldiçoadas Entrance of the conflagration Entrance of the conflagration Entrada da conflagração Conditions worsen Conditions worsen As condições pioram Searching for answers Searching for answers Procurando respostas In holy scriptures In holy scriptures Em escrituras sagradas Systematic plan Systematic plan Plano sistemático Water fills the tub Water fills the tub A água enche toda a banheira All of her children All of her children Das suas crianças Floating lifelessly Floating lifelessly Que flutuam sem vida