
Dear Diary

Caro Diário

Dear diary, what is wrong with me? Dear diary, what is wrong with me? Caro diário, o que há de errado comigo? 'cos i'm fine between the lines. 'cos i'm fine between the lines. Porque estou bem entre as linhas be not afraid. be not afraid. Não seja receoso. help is on its way. help is on its way. A ajuda está à caminho. a sentence suspended in air, way over there. a sentence suspended in air, way over there. uma sentença suspendeu no ar, maneira sobre lá. Dear diary, what else could it be? Dear diary, what else could it be? Caro diário, que outro poderia ser? as nightshade descends like a veil, under the sail of my heart. as nightshade descends like a veil, under the sail of my heart. como a máscara noturna desce como um véu, sob o veleiro de meu coração be still, don't stop unti the end. be still, don't stop unti the end. seja ainda, não pare no fim. Dear diary, what is wrong with me? Dear diary, what is wrong with me? Caro diário, o que há de errado comigo? 'cos i'm fine between the lines. 'cos i'm fine between the lines. Porque estou bem entre as linhas

Composição: Fran Healy

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