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Suffocation Suffocation Sufocação Back to the maternal womb Back to the maternal womb Volte para o útero materno Looking for an usual bordering Looking for an usual bordering Procurando por uma margem insólita Shouting... Suffering! Shouting... Suffering! Gritando... sofrendo Blood's fluxe Blood's fluxe Fluxo de sangue Gain the veins and arrive to the heart Gain the veins and arrive to the heart Ganha as veias e chega ao coração Dirty blood for contaminations Dirty blood for contaminations Sangue sujo por contaminações Generating anomalies Generating anomalies Gerando anomalias Decay arrives Decay arrives Decadência chega Bringing a lot of misfortunes Bringing a lot of misfortunes Trazendo um monte de infortúnios The soul downs to Hades home The soul downs to Hades home A alma desce ao lar de hades Inconsiderate Inconsiderate Inconsiderado Rotten sociability Rotten sociability Sociabilidade podre Cause disturbances Cause disturbances Causa distúrbios Among your equals is mortal Among your equals is mortal Entre seus iguais é mortal Grieves so frozen, insensibles Grieves so frozen, insensibles Dores tão frias, insensíveis Depression draws haziness Depression draws haziness Depressão mergulha na escuridão And of this union sprouts And of this union sprouts E desta união surge The death... The end of all The death... The end of all A morte... o fim de tudo Or another passage Or another passage Ou uma outra passagem To back again to the womb To back again to the womb Para voltar ao útero Feel the haziness! Feel the haziness! Sinta a escuridão My sweet home... My sweet home... Meu doce lar Death is the law! Death is the law! Morte é a lei Torture 'till die! Torture 'till die! Torture até a morte Risen images Risen images Imagens crescentes Heinous memories Heinous memories Memórias atrozes Careless past Careless past Passado descuidado The eye of future The eye of future O olho do futuro Will almost blind Will almost blind Quase cego By slaughters in the past By slaughters in the past Pelas chacinas no passado And atrocities of the present And atrocities of the present E pelas atrocidades do presente

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