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He had alot to say. He had alot to say. Ele tinha muito a dizer. He had alot of nothing to say. He had alot of nothing to say. Ele tinha muito de nada a dizer. We'll miss him. We'll miss him. Nos vamos sentir falta dele. So long. So long. Até logo. We wish you well. We wish you well. Esperamos que esteja bem. You told us how you weren't afraid to die. You told us how you weren't afraid to die. Você nos disse como não tinha medo de morrer Well then so long. Well then so long. Bem, então até logo Don't cry. Don't cry. Não chore Or feel too down. Or feel too down. ou se sinta deprimido Not all martyrs see divinity. Not all martyrs see divinity. Nem todos os mártires veem a divindade But at least you tried. But at least you tried. Mas pelo menos você tentou Standing above the crowd Standing above the crowd Situado acima da multidão He had a voice that was strong and loud. He had a voice that was strong and loud. Ele tinha uma voz que era forte e alta! We'll miss him. We'll miss him. Nós vamos sentir falta dele Ranting and pointing his finger Ranting and pointing his finger Gritando e apontando o dedo At everything but his heart. At everything but his heart. para tudo, menos o coração dele. We'll miss him. We'll miss him. Nós vamos sentir falta dele No way to recall No way to recall sem jeito de lembrar What it was that you had said to me, What it was that you had said to me, O que foi que você disse para mim? Like I care at all. Like I care at all. Como se eu me importasse! So loud. So loud. Tão alto You sure could yell. You sure could yell. Você com certeza pode gritar You took a stand on every little thing You took a stand on every little thing você tomou posição em cada coisinha And so loud. And so loud. e tão alto! You, Could Be, The One, Who, Saves Me From, My Own, Existance You, Could Be, The One, Who, Saves Me From, My Own, Existance Situado acima da multidão Standing above the crowd, Standing above the crowd, ele tinha uma voz tão forte e alta He had a voice so strong and loud and I He had a voice so strong and loud and I eu engoli a fachada dele porque eu Swallowed his facade cuz I'm so Swallowed his facade cuz I'm so estou ávido para me identificar com Eager to identify with Eager to identify with alguém superior Someone above the ground, Someone above the ground, alguém que parecia sentir o mesmo Someone who seemed to feel the same, Someone who seemed to feel the same, alguém preparado para nos guiar o caminho, com Someone prepared to lead the way, with Someone prepared to lead the way, with alguém que morreria por mim. Someone who would die for me. Someone who would die for me. Você iria? Will you? Will you now? Will you? Will you now? Você iria agora? Would you die for me? Would you die for me? Você morreria por mim? Don't you fuckin lie. Don't you fuckin lie. Não minta! Don't you step out of line. Don't you step out of line. Não saia da linha Don't you fuckin lie. Don't you fuckin lie. Não minta! You've claimed all this time that you would die for me. You've claimed all this time that you would die for me. Você alegou todo esse tempo que você morreria por mim. Why then are you so surprised to hear your own eulogy? Why then are you so surprised to hear your own eulogy? Por que então você está tão surpreso de ouvir seu próprio louvor? You had alot to say. You had alot to say. Você tinha muito a dizer You had alot of nothing to say. You had alot of nothing to say. Você tinha muito de nada a dizer Come down. Come down. Desça. Get off your fuckin cross. Get off your fuckin cross. Desça da sua maldita cruz. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr. Nós precisamos do maldito espaço para pregar o próximo mártir idiota. To ascend you must die. To ascend you must die. Para ascender, você deve morrer You must be crucified You must be crucified Você deve ser crucificado For your sins and your lies. [sic] For your sins and your lies. [sic] Pelos seus pecados e suas mentiras Goodbye... Goodbye... Adeus...

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