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Love For Sale (feat. Lady Gaga)

Amor à venda (com Lady Gaga)

When the only sound in the empty street When the only sound in the empty street Quando o único som na rua vazia Is the heavy tread of the heavy feet Is the heavy tread of the heavy feet É o passo pesado dos pés pesados That belong to a lonesome cop That belong to a lonesome cop Isso pertence a um policial solitário She opens shop She opens shop Ela abre loja When the Moon so long has been gazing down When the Moon so long has been gazing down Quando a Lua está olhando para baixo por tanto tempo On the wayward ways of this wayward town On the wayward ways of this wayward town Nos caminhos rebeldes desta cidade rebelde That her smile becomes a smirk That her smile becomes a smirk Que o sorriso dela se torna um sorriso malicioso She goes to work She goes to work Ela vai ao trabalho Love for sale Love for sale Amor a venda Appetising young love for sale Appetising young love for sale Amor jovem apetitoso à venda Love that's fresh and still unspoiled Love that's fresh and still unspoiled Amor que é fresco e ainda intacto Love that's only slightly soiled Love that's only slightly soiled Amor que está apenas ligeiramente sujo Love for sale Love for sale Amor a venda Who will buy? Who will buy? Quem vai comprar? Who would like to sample her supply? Who would like to sample her supply? Quem gostaria de provar seu suprimento? Who's prepared to pay the price Who's prepared to pay the price Quem está preparado para pagar o preço For a trip to paradise? For a trip to paradise? Para uma viagem ao paraíso? Love for sale Love for sale Amor a venda Let the poets pipe of love Let the poets pipe of love Que os poetas cantem amor In their childish way In their childish way Do jeito infantil deles I know every type of love I know every type of love Eu conheço todo tipo de amor Better far than they Better far than they Muito melhor do que eles If you want the thrill of love If you want the thrill of love Se você quer a emoção do amor She's been through the mill of love She's been through the mill of love Ela passou pelo moinho do amor Old love Old love Amor antigo New love New love Novo amor Every love but true love for sale Every love but true love for sale Todo amor, mas o verdadeiro amor à venda Appetising young love for sale Appetising young love for sale Amor jovem apetitoso à venda If you want to buy her wares If you want to buy her wares Se você quiser comprar seus produtos Follow me and climb the stairs Follow me and climb the stairs Siga-me e suba as escadas Love for sale (take it) Love for sale (take it) Amor à venda (pegue) Let the poets pipe of love Let the poets pipe of love Que os poetas cantem amor In their childish way In their childish way Do jeito infantil deles I know every type of love I know every type of love Eu conheço todo tipo de amor Better far than they Better far than they Muito melhor do que eles If you want the thrill of love If you want the thrill of love Se você quer a emoção do amor She's been through the mill of love She's been through the mill of love Ela passou pelo moinho do amor Old love Old love Amor antigo New love New love Novo amor Every love but true love for sale Every love but true love for sale Todo amor, mas o verdadeiro amor à venda Appetising young love for sale (love for sale, lovey) Appetising young love for sale (love for sale, lovey) Amor jovem e apetitoso à venda (amor à venda, amor) If you want to buy her wares If you want to buy her wares Se você quiser comprar seus produtos Follow me and climb the stairs Follow me and climb the stairs Siga-me e suba as escadas Love for sale Love for sale Amor a venda

Composição: Cole Porter

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