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An Ocean Between

Um oceano no meio

I find myself so tangled up. I find myself so tangled up. Eu me acho tão envolto In all of our ideas. In all of our ideas. Em todas suas idéias We could run away, get a job. We could run away, get a job. Nós poderíamos fugir, arranjar um emprego In a small town on the beach. In a small town on the beach. Numa cidade pequena na praia. We can dream but I can't stay. We can dream but I can't stay. Nós podemos sonhar, mas eu não posso ficar It's a small world. It's a small world. É um mundo pequeno But I'll still sail much too far away. But I'll still sail much too far away. Mas mesmo assim irei velejar muito pra muito longe Could it be, it was destiny? Could it be, it was destiny? Poderia ser, foi o destino? You and me, an ocean between? You and me, an ocean between? Você e eu, um oceano no meio? I find myself a bit of a mess. I find myself a bit of a mess. Eu me acho uma confusão Life just isn't fair, is it? Life just isn't fair, is it? Vida simplesmente não é justa, é? I miss the years when we were young, I miss the years when we were young, Eu sinto falta dos anos em que éramos jovens Innocent and so naïve. Innocent and so naïve. Inocentes e ingênuos We can dream but I can't stay. We can dream but I can't stay. Nós podemos sonhar, mas eu não posso ficar It's a small world. It's a small world. É um mundo pequeno But I'll still sail much too far away. But I'll still sail much too far away. Mas mesmo assim irei velejar muito pra muito longe Could it be, it was destiny? Could it be, it was destiny? Poderia ser, foi o destino? You and me, an ocean between? You and me, an ocean between? Você e eu, um oceano no meio? Pride burns like wildfire. Pride burns like wildfire. Orgulho queima como fogo selvagem Smell the smoke rising. Smell the smoke rising. Sinta o cheiro da fumaça subindo It's the anthem of hell. It's the anthem of hell. É o hino do inferno In your eyes I saw a hope. In your eyes I saw a hope. Em seus olhos vi esperança Where you wrote us off as Pharisees. Where you wrote us off as Pharisees. Onde você nos tirou como Pharisees You were so relieved. You were so relieved. Você esta tão aliviada Don't listen to anything these demons have to say. Don't listen to anything these demons have to say. Não ouça nada do que esses demônios têm a dizer We're older now and it's time to grow up. We're older now and it's time to grow up. Estamos mais velhos agora e é hora de amadurecermos Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Inspire, expire Throw yourself in the sea. Throw yourself in the sea. Se jogue no mar (It's so much bigger than us.) (It's so much bigger than us.) (É tão maior que nós) We can dream but I can't stay. We can dream but I can't stay. Nós podemos sonhar, mas eu não posso ficar It's a small world. It's a small world. É um mundo pequeno But I'll still sail much too far away. But I'll still sail much too far away. Mas mesmo assim irei velejar muito pra muito longe Could it be, it was destiny? Could it be, it was destiny? Poderia ser, foi o destino? You and me, an ocean between? You and me, an ocean between? Você e eu, um oceano no meio? Don't listen to anything they have to say. Don't listen to anything they have to say. Não ouça nada do que eles têm a dizer We're older now and it's time to grow up. We're older now and it's time to grow up. Estamos mais velhos agora e é hora de amadurecermos.

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