Cannot find the words to say I'm sorry Cannot find the words to say I'm sorry Não é possível encontrar as palavras para dizer que sinto muito Don't know how to show You I was wrong Don't know how to show You I was wrong Não sei como mostrar-lhe que eu estava errado Wasted all that You had given me Wasted all that You had given me Wasted tudo o que você me deu Now I'm left with nothing and no one Now I'm left with nothing and no one Agora estou sem nada e ninguém And I find it's my fault And I find it's my fault E eu acho que é minha culpa I'm the only one to blame I'm the only one to blame Eu sou o único culpado For the tears and the pain For the tears and the pain Para as lágrimas ea dor I don't know what I can say I don't know what I can say Or would it matter anyway Or would it matter anyway Eu não sei o que posso dizer 'Cause I don't know how you could still forgive me 'Cause I don't know how you could still forgive me Ou será que importa mesmo For all that I have put You through For all that I have put You through Porque eu não sei como você poderia ainda me perdoe Is there anything that I can do Is there anything that I can do Por tudo o que eu colocá-lo através I would give my life to find Your mercy I would give my life to find Your mercy Existe alguma coisa que eu posso fazer What will I find that You have already What will I find that You have already Eu daria minha vida para encontrar a sua misericórdia I don't know I don't know O que vou achar que você já All my life has lead to this decision All my life has lead to this decision Eu não sei To return and ask You this one thing To return and ask You this one thing And if I had one chance or if a million And if I had one chance or if a million Toda a minha vida tem levado a esta decisão Would it ever be enough for me Would it ever be enough for me Para retornar e peço uma coisa To explain what I've done To explain what I've done E se eu tivesse uma chance, ou se um milhão de Now I know that I was wrong Now I know that I was wrong Será que ele vai ser o suficiente para mim Will you hold me again Will you hold me again Para explicar o que eu fiz I don't know what I can say I don't know what I can say Agora eu sei que eu estava errado Or would it matter anyway Or would it matter anyway Você vai me abraçar de novo 'Cause I don't know how You can still forgive me 'Cause I don't know how You can still forgive me for all that I have out You through for all that I have out You through Eu não sei o que posso dizer Is there anything I can do Is there anything I can do Ou será que importa mesmo I would give my life to find Your mercy I would give my life to find Your mercy Porque eu não sei como você ainda pode me perdoe What will it take until You forgive me What will it take until You forgive me por tudo o que tenho por fora Você I don't know I don't know Existe alguma coisa que eu posso fazer And I find it's my fault And I find it's my fault Eu daria minha vida para encontrar a sua misericórdia I'm the only one to blame I'm the only one to blame O que vai demorar até que você me perdoe For the tears and the pain For the tears and the pain Eu não sei I don't know what I can say I don't know what I can say Or would it matter anyway Or would it matter anyway E eu acho que é minha culpa 'Cause I don't know how You could still forgive me 'Cause I don't know how You could still forgive me Eu sou o único culpado For all that I have put You through For all that I have put You through Para as lágrimas ea dor Is there anything that I can do Is there anything that I can do I would give my life to find your mercy I would give my life to find your mercy Eu não sei o que posso dizer I don't know what I can say I don't know what I can say Ou será que importa mesmo Or would it matter anyway Or would it matter anyway Porque eu não sei como você poderia ainda me perdoe 'Cause I don't know how You could 'Cause I don't know how You could Por tudo o que eu colocá-lo através