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[Lyrics by Thomas Karlsson] [Lyrics by Thomas Karlsson] Letras por Thomas Karlsson [Music by Christofer Johnsson] [Music by Christofer Johnsson] Música por Christofer Johnsson Eros and Thanatos are brances on the same old tree Eros and Thanatos are brances on the same old tree Eros e Tânatos são galhos na mesma velha árvore Rooted in the soil of shadow and light Rooted in the soil of shadow and light Originados na terra de sombra e luz If God was seperated from the dark twin, the Devil If God was seperated from the dark twin, the Devil Se Deus foi separado do gêmeo negro, o Demônio Could he ever know the soul of mankind? Could he ever know the soul of mankind? Poderia ele conhecer a alma da humanidade? We want a new god called Abraxas! We want a new god called Abraxas! Nós queremos um novo deus chamado Abraxas! Enter the Pleroma and see that nothingless is all Enter the Pleroma and see that nothingless is all Entre em Pleroma e veja que nada é tudo And you must destroy a world to be born And you must destroy a world to be born E você precisa destruir um mundo para nascer Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the end Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the end Alpha e Omega são o começo e o fim United in the shape of Abraxas United in the shape of Abraxas Unidos na forma de Abraxas Darkness and the light Darkness and the light Escuridão e a luz Sermones ad Mortous, empty fullness Sermones ad Mortous, empty fullness Sermones ad Mortous, o vazio completo Abraxas, your words is a riddle to be solved Abraxas, your words is a riddle to be solved Abraxas, suas palavras são um enigma a ser resolvido You bear the mark of Cain You bear the mark of Cain Você carrega a marca de Cain And you are fighting like a bird And you are fighting like a bird E você está lutando como um pássaro (To) free you from the egg, the egg is all the world (To) free you from the egg, the egg is all the world (Para) se libertar do ovo, o ovo é o mundo inteiro The Sermon to the Dead The Sermon to the Dead O Sermão para os Mortos A gospel to another life A gospel to another life Um evangelho para a outra vida Hear the words of Cain, the sinner and the saint Hear the words of Cain, the sinner and the saint Ouça as palavras de Cain, o pecador e o santo The grave is a flower The grave is a flower O túmulo é uma flor And you are dying to be born And you are dying to be born E você está morrendo para nascer Baptized by fire and you will slough your skin Baptized by fire and you will slough your skin Batizado pelo fogo e você irá rasgar sua pele The sign of Abraxas The sign of Abraxas O símbolo de Abraxas The circle of the solar year The circle of the solar year O círculo do ano solar Deep in the winter you'll see the sun be born Deep in the winter you'll see the sun be born No inverno profundo você verá o sol nascer.

Composição: Christofer Johnsson/Thomas Karlsson

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