
Cousin Kevin

Primo Kevin

We're on our own, cousin, We're on our own, cousin, Estamos por nossa conta primo, All alone, cousin. All alone, cousin. A sós primo Let's think of a game to play Let's think of a game to play Pensemos em um jogo para brincar Now the grown-ups have all gone away. Now the grown-ups have all gone away. Agora que todos os adultos foram embora You won't be much fun You won't be much fun Você não irá ser muito divertido Being blind, deaf and dumb. Being blind, deaf and dumb. Sendo cego, surdo e mudo But I've no-one to play with today. But I've no-one to play with today. Mas eu não tenho ninguém para brincar hoje Do you know how to play hide-and-seek? Do you know how to play hide-and-seek? Você sabe brincar de esconde-esconde? To find me it would take you a week, To find me it would take you a week, Para me achar você levaria uma semana But tied to that chair But tied to that chair Mas amarrada àquela cadeira You won't go anywhere You won't go anywhere Você não irá a lugar algum There's a lot I can do with a freak. There's a lot I can do with a freak. Há tanta coisa que eu posso fazer a uma aberração How would you feel if I How would you feel if I Como você se sentiria Turned on the bath, Turned on the bath, Se eu enchesse a banheira Ducked your head under Ducked your head under Enfiasse sua cabeça debaixo d'água And started to laugh? And started to laugh? E começasse a rir? What would you do if I shut you outside, What would you do if I shut you outside, O que você faria se eu te trancasse lá fora To stand in the rain To stand in the rain Para ficar na chuva And catch cold so you died? And catch cold so you died? Se resfriar e depois morrer? I'm the school bully! I'm the school bully! Eu sou o brigão da escola! The classroom cheat. The classroom cheat. O malandro da sala de aula The nastiesy playfriend The nastiesy playfriend O amigo mais asqueroso You ever could meet. You ever could meet. Que você possa conhecer I'll stick pins in your fingers I'll stick pins in your fingers Irei enfiar alfinetes nos seus dedos And tread on your feet... And tread on your feet... E pisar nos seus pés... Maybe a cigarette burn on your arm Maybe a cigarette burn on your arm Talvez uma queimadura de cigarro no seu braço Would change your expression Would change your expression Mudaria sua expressão To one of alarm. To one of alarm. Para uma de alarme I'll drag you round by a lock of your hair I'll drag you round by a lock of your hair Eu irei te arrastar pelos cachos de seus cabelos Or give you a push Or give you a push Ou lhe dar um empurrão At the top of the stairs... At the top of the stairs... No alto da escada... I'm the school bully! I'm the school bully! Eu sou o brigão da escola! The classroom cheat. The classroom cheat. O malandro da sala de aula The nastiesy playfriend The nastiesy playfriend O amigo mais asqueroso You ever could meet. You ever could meet. Que você já conheceu I'll put glass in your dinner I'll put glass in your dinner Eu irei colocar vidro no seu jantar And spikes in your seat... And spikes in your seat... E tachinhas no seu assento...

Composição: John Entwistle

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