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The Matador

O Matador

They call him the matador They call him the matador Eles o chamam de matador He settles all the scores He settles all the scores Ele acerta todas as contas He kills in plain sight He kills in plain sight Ele mata com um plano em vista With a blade and a smile With a blade and a smile Com uma lâmina e um sorriso Well he dont know what to think Well he dont know what to think Bem, ele não sabe o que pensar He aint had enough to drink He aint had enough to drink Ele não é o suficiente para beber Will he take him by surprise Will he take him by surprise Ele vai pegá-lo de surpresa To see the whites of his eyes To see the whites of his eyes Para ver o branco dos olhos Well he'll settle things in the sun Well he'll settle things in the sun Bem, ele vai resolver as coisas de dia Plays God like the chosen one Plays God like the chosen one Joga como se fosse o escolhido de Deus Well he's storied from town to town Well he's storied from town to town Bem, sua história é contada de cidade em cidade Kills for sport and pride Kills for sport and pride Mata por esporte e orgulho The matador raised his blade to the sun The matador raised his blade to the sun O matador levantou a lâmina para o sol To show the blade, the damage is done To show the blade, the damage is done Mostrou a lâmina,e o estrago está feito Children cry in their mother's arms Children cry in their mother's arms As crianças choram nos braços de sua mãe As the people replied with a deafining swarm As the people replied with a deafining swarm O povo respondeu com um enxame ensurdecedor The crowd rose as the blood's running warm The crowd rose as the blood's running warm A multidão levantou-se, e o sangue está correndo quente They call him the matador They call him the matador Eles o chamam de matador He settles all the scores He settles all the scores Ele acerta todas as contas He kills in plain sight He kills in plain sight Ele mata com um plano em vista With a blade and a smile With a blade and a smile Com uma lâmina e um sorriso

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