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Well, the day that carnage came to town Well, the day that carnage came to town O dia em que a carnificina veio para a cidade We locked and bolted our doors down We locked and bolted our doors down Nós bloqueado e fechou as portas para baixo We laid silent on the ground We laid silent on the ground Nós ficamos em silêncio no chão Hoping we will not be found Hoping we will not be found Esperando que não será encontrado As children moan as mother cries As children moan as mother cries Como as crianças gemer como mãe chora I hide the fear from my eyes I hide the fear from my eyes Eu esconder o medo dos meus olhos We creep down the cellar door We creep down the cellar door Nós rastejar para baixo a porta do porão Underneath the rotting floor Underneath the rotting floor Debaixo do chão podre Oh, I can't see the light Oh, I can't see the light Oh, eu não posso ver a luz Well Is it day or has darkness come like men Well Is it day or has darkness come like men É dia ou tem as trevas como os homens My brothers fight My brothers fight Minha luta irmãos Oh' when will this be done Oh' when will this be done Oh 'quando isso vai ser feito I said, will we see, will we see the sun I said, will we see, will we see the sun Será que vamos ver, vamos ver o sol We hold up stock down in the cave We hold up stock down in the cave Erguemos estoque baixo na caverna Two weeks gone by, when will be saved Two weeks gone by, when will be saved Duas semanas passados ??sem luz do dia The rats go ahead and steal their share The rats go ahead and steal their share Os ratos ir em frente e roubar sua parte For in the darkness we're unaware For in the darkness we're unaware Porque na escuridão que é inconsciente Well, I try to keep the others strong Well, I try to keep the others strong Eu tento manter os outros fortes We won't last down here very long We won't last down here very long Não vai durar muito tempo aqui How many lives have our boys gave How many lives have our boys gave Quantas vidas nossos meninos deram And have we built our shallow grave And have we built our shallow grave Já construímos nossa cova rasa Oh, I can't see the light Oh, I can't see the light Oh, eu não posso ver a luz Well is it day or has darkness come like men Well is it day or has darkness come like men É dia ou tem as trevas como os homens My brothers fight My brothers fight Minha luta irmãos Oh' when will this be done Oh' when will this be done Oh 'quando isso vai ser feito I said, will we see, will we see the sun I said, will we see, will we see the sun Será que vamos ver, vamos ver o sol Skin and bones we waste away Skin and bones we waste away Pele e ossos que definham Two months gone by no light of day Two months gone by no light of day Dois meses passados ??sem luz do dia Children rocking back and forth Children rocking back and forth Crianças balançando para frente e para trás They don't play much anymore They don't play much anymore Eles não jogam muito mais The smell of death is in the air The smell of death is in the air O cheiro da morte está no ar Are chances are much less than fare Are chances are much less than fare São as chances são muito menos do que tarifa To leave may be our certain doom To leave may be our certain doom Para deixar pode ser a nossa morte certa To stay shelter becomes a tomb To stay shelter becomes a tomb Para ficar abrigo torna-se um túmulo Oh, I can't see the light Oh, I can't see the light Oh, eu não posso ver a luz Is it day or has darkness come like men Is it day or has darkness come like men É dia ou tem as trevas como os homens My brothers fight My brothers fight Minha luta irmãos Oh' when will this be done Oh' when will this be done Oh 'quando isso vai ser feito I said, will we see, will we see the sun I said, will we see, will we see the sun Será que vamos ver, vamos ver o sol

Composição: Jacob A. Smith

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