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So Sister

Entao irmã

I wrote your name in dust on a truck I wrote your name in dust on a truck Eu escrevi seu nome na poeira em um caminhao As it rolled out of town As it rolled out of town Quando ele saía da cidade Just in case my love for you might be found Just in case my love for you might be found Apenas para o caso do meu amor por vc poder ser encontrado I cried my tears in a mountain stream I cried my tears in a mountain stream Eu chorei minhas lágrimas em um riacho na montanha They'll sting you one day They'll sting you one day Elas vao te atingir um dia I called your name in a giant cave I called your name in a giant cave Eu chamei seu nome em uma caverna gigante It echoes to this day It echoes to this day Está ecoando até hoje So sister, you're hearing how I miss her So sister, you're hearing how I miss her Entao irmã, vc está ouvindo como eu sinto falta dela But I don't think that she's hearing my calls But I don't think that she's hearing my calls Mas eu nao acho que ela esteja ouvindo meus chamados So sister, you're hearing how I miss her So sister, you're hearing how I miss her Entao irmã, vc está ouvindo como eu sinto falta dela But I don't think that she's hearing my calls But I don't think that she's hearing my calls Mas eu nao acho que ela esteja ouvindo meus chamados No I don't think that I'm helping my cause No I don't think that I'm helping my cause Nao eu nao acho que eu esteja ajudando minha causa I wrote our names on a subway wall I wrote our names on a subway wall Eu escrevi nossos nomes em uma parede do metrô Just in case you call Just in case you call Apenas no caso de vc ligar I rent a room and its just for two I rent a room and its just for two Eu aluguei um quarto e é apenas para dois But where are you? But where are you? Mas onde vc está? So sister, you're hearing how I miss her So sister, you're hearing how I miss her Entao irmã, vc está ouvindo como eu sinto falta dela But I don't think that she's hearing my calls But I don't think that she's hearing my calls Mas eu nao acho que ela esteja ouvindo meus chamados So sister, you're hearing how I miss her So sister, you're hearing how I miss her Entao irmã, vc está ouvindo como eu sinto falta dela But I don't think that she's helping my cause But I don't think that she's helping my cause Mas eu nao acho que ela esteja ajudando minha causa No I don't think that it's helping my cause No I don't think that it's helping my cause Nao eu nao acho que ela esteja ajudando minha causa No I don't think that I'm helping my cause No I don't think that I'm helping my cause Nao eu nao acho que ela esteja ajudando minha causa No I don't think that I'm helping my cause No I don't think that I'm helping my cause Nao eu nao acho que ela esteja ajudando minha causa So sister, you're hearing how I miss her So sister, you're hearing how I miss her Entao irmã, vc está ouvindo como eu sinto falta dela But I don't think that she's hearing my calls But I don't think that she's hearing my calls Mas eu nao acho que ela esteja ouvindo meus chamados So sister, I need to be with her So sister, I need to be with her Entao irmã, eu preciso estar com ela But I don't think that she's hearing my calls But I don't think that she's hearing my calls Mas eu nao acho que ela esteja ouvindo meus chamados No I don't think that I'm helping my cause No I don't think that I'm helping my cause Nao eu nao acho que eu esteja ajudando minha causa No I don't think that I'm helping my cause No I don't think that I'm helping my cause Nao eu nao acho que eu esteja ajudando minha causa

Composição: Richard Ashcroft

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