


Living is a dream when you make it seem enchanted Living is a dream when you make it seem enchanted VIVER É UM SONHO QUANDO VC O FAZ PARECER ENCANTADO Lovers take for granted all the world's aglow, they ought to know Lovers take for granted all the world's aglow, they ought to know OS APAIXONADOS TÊM CERTEZA QUE ELES DEVEM CONHECER TODO O FLORESCER DO MUNDO When you touch a star then you really are enchanted When you touch a star then you really are enchanted QUANDO VOCÊ TOCA UMA ESTRELA, VOCÊ REALMENTE ESTÁ ENCANTADO Find a seed and plant it, love will make it grow Find a seed and plant it, love will make it grow ENCONTRE UMA SEMENTE E PLANTE-A, O AMOR A FARÁ CRESCER It's really grand when you stand hand in hand with your lover It's really grand when you stand hand in hand with your lover É REALMENTE GRANDIOSO QUANDO VOCÊ ESTÁ DE MÃOS DADAS COM SEU AMOR And thrill to the wonders of night And thrill to the wonders of night E SE EMOCIONAR COM AS MARAVILHAS DA NOITE And days, too, will amaze you and soon you'll discover And days, too, will amaze you and soon you'll discover E OS DIAS TAMBÉM, TE IMPRESSIONARÃO E LOGO VOCÊ DESCOBRIRÁ Your dreams run to dreams in continuous flight Your dreams run to dreams in continuous flight QUE SEUS SONHOS PERSEGUEM SONHOS EM VÔOS CONTINUOS Love is ecstasy, it's divine to be enchanted Love is ecstasy, it's divine to be enchanted O AMOR É ÊXTASE, É DIVINO ESTAR ENCANTADO When your dreams are slanted through a lover's eyes When your dreams are slanted through a lover's eyes QUANDO SEUS SONHOS SÃO DIRECIONADOS ATRAVÉS DOS OLHOS DOS APAIXONADOS It's really grand when you stand hand in hand with your lover It's really grand when you stand hand in hand with your lover É REALMENTE GRANDIOSO QUANDO VOCÊ ESTÁ DE MÃOS DADAS COM SEU AMOR And thrill to the wonders of night And thrill to the wonders of night E SE EMOCIONAR COM AS MARAVILHAS DA NOITE And days, too, will amaze you and soon you'll discover And days, too, will amaze you and soon you'll discover E OS DIAS TAMBÉM, TE IMPRESSIONARÃO E LOGO VOCÊ DESCOBRIRÁ Your dreams run to dreams in continuous flight Your dreams run to dreams in continuous flight QUE SEUS SONHOS PERSEGUEM SONHOS EM VÔOS CONTINUOS Love is ecstasy, it's divine to be enchanted Love is ecstasy, it's divine to be enchanted O AMOR É ÊXTASE, É DIVINO ESTAR ENCANTADO When your dreams are slanted through a lover's eyes When your dreams are slanted through a lover's eyes QUANDO SEUS SONHOS SÃO DIRECIONADOS ATRAVÉS DOS OLHOS DOS APAIXONADOS

Composição: Buck Ram

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