Sing swallow sing
Fortune you bring
Into the homes
Letting you in
Happy are those
Hearing your song
Life will be kind
Life will be long.
Sing swallow sing
Bounty you bring
Days longer now,
Leading to spring
Chaff of the wheat,
Ear of the corn
Nestling ewes,
Lambkin are born.
Sing swallow sing
Praying you bring
News that a new
Time will begin
Peace in our land,
Hoping this year
Good will prevail,
Nothing to fear.
We lived off the land of
Milk and honey
Envy of the world
No need for money
Chaff of the wheat,
Ear of the corn
Nestling ewes,
Lambkin are born.
Sing swallow sing
Praying you bring
News that a new
Time will begin.
Sing swallow sing