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Believe in magic believe in lore legend and myth Believe in magic believe in lore legend and myth Acredite na magia acredite na lenda e no mito das tradições And the hand that guides in the cunning of hope in the weaving And the hand that guides in the cunning of hope in the weaving E a mão que guia na astúcia da esperança na tecelagem of dreams of dreams dos sonhos And the lady of the lake takes my hand and leads me And the lady of the lake takes my hand and leads me E a dama do lago pega minha mão e me leva To the holy isle and the fairy rings and the circles of stone To the holy isle and the fairy rings and the circles of stone Para a ilha santa e os anéis de fadas e os círculos de pedra Forever and again Forever and again Para sempre e novamente Give me, give me, give me, deliverance Give me, give me, give me, deliverance Me dê, me dê, me dê, libertação Brother, sister, give me, give me Brother, sister, give me, give me Irmão, irmã, me dê, me dê Deliverance, deliver me Deliverance, deliver me Libertação, me entregue Surrender to the wisdom of age and the spirits of time Surrender to the wisdom of age and the spirits of time Renda-se à sabedoria da idade e aos espíritos do tempo Remember our souls entwined for eternity Remember our souls entwined for eternity Lembre-se de nossas almas entrelaçadas por toda a eternidade And the healing hand of the fairy queen will come to all who And the healing hand of the fairy queen will come to all who E a mão curativa da rainha das fadas chegará a todos que have faith in her have faith in her tenha fé nela And the apple tree will bear its fruit in the gardens of Avalon And the apple tree will bear its fruit in the gardens of Avalon E a macieira dará seus frutos nos jardins de Avalon Forever and again Forever and again Para sempre e novamente Give me, give me, give me deliverance Give me, give me, give me deliverance Me dê, me dê, me dê libertação Brother, sister, give me, give me Brother, sister, give me, give me Irmão, irmã, me dê, me dê Deliverance, deliver me Deliverance, deliver me Libertação, me entregue Give me, give me, give me, deliverance Give me, give me, give me, deliverance Me dê, me dê, me dê, libertação Brother, sister, give me, give me Brother, sister, give me, give me Irmão, irmã, me dê, me dê Deliverance, deliver me Deliverance, deliver me Libertação, me entregue Let me sleep for awhile and dream of Avalon and the Beltane Let me sleep for awhile and dream of Avalon and the Beltane Deixe-me dormir por um tempo e sonhar com Avalon e o Beltane fires fires incêndios And a silent kiss steals away into the mist and out to the lake And a silent kiss steals away into the mist and out to the lake E um beijo silencioso se esconde na névoa e sai para o lago Where the sword will rise again from the water into the Where the sword will rise again from the water into the Onde a espada irá subir novamente da água para o Hands of the chosen one the righteous one Hands of the chosen one the righteous one Mãos do escolhido o justo Forever and again Forever and again Para sempre e novamente Give me, give me, give me, deliverance Give me, give me, give me, deliverance Me dê, me dê, me dê, libertação Brother, sister, give me, give me Brother, sister, give me, give me Irmão, irmã, me dê, me dê Deliverance, deliver me Deliverance, deliver me Libertação, me entregue Give me, give me, give me, deliverance Give me, give me, give me, deliverance Me dê, me dê, me dê, libertação Brother, sister, give me, give me Brother, sister, give me, give me Irmão, irmã, me dê, me dê Deliverance, deliver me Deliverance, deliver me Libertação, me entregue

Composição: Craig Adams/Mick Brown/Simon Hinkler/Wayne Hussey

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