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On candystripe legs the spiderman comes On candystripe legs the spiderman comes Em pernas às riscas coloridas, chega o homem-aranha Softly through the shadow of the evening sun Softly through the shadow of the evening sun Suavemente pela sombra do sol da tarde Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead Roubando ao passar pelas janelas dos magnificamente mortos Looking for the victim shivering in bed Looking for the victim shivering in bed Procurando a víctima a tremer na cama Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and Buscando o medo no aglomerado de profunda tristeza Suddenly! Suddenly! De repente! A movement in the corner of the room! A movement in the corner of the room! Um movimento no canto da sala And there is nothing I can do And there is nothing I can do E não há nada que eu possa fazer When I realise with fright When I realise with fright Quando me apercebo assustado That the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight! That the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight! Que o homem-aranha vai jantar-me esta noite Quietly he laughs and shaking his head Quietly he laughs and shaking his head Silenciosamente ele ri e abanando a cabeça Creeps closer now Creeps closer now Rasteja agora para mais perto Closer to the foot of the bed Closer to the foot of the bed Mais perto do pé da cama And softer than shadow and quicker than flies And softer than shadow and quicker than flies E mais suave que a sombra e mais rápido que moscas His arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes His arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes Os seus braços á minha volta e a sua língua nos meus olhos "Be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy "Be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy "Fica agora quieto, calmo e calado meu rico menino Don't struggle like that or I will only love you more Don't struggle like that or I will only love you more Não lutes dessa maneira ou eu só vou gostar ainda mais de ti For it's much too late to get away or turn on the light For it's much too late to get away or turn on the light Pois já é tarde demais para fugir ou acender a luz The spiderman is having you for dinner tonight" The spiderman is having you for dinner tonight" O homem-aranha vai jantar-te esta noite" And I feel like I'm being eaten And I feel like I'm being eaten E eu sinto que estou a ser comido By a thousand million shivering furry holes By a thousand million shivering furry holes Por milhares de milhões de buracos felpudos a tremer And I know that in the morning I will wake up And I know that in the morning I will wake up E eu sei que de manhã vou acordar In the shivering cold In the shivering cold Com um arrepio gelado And the spiderman is always hungry... And the spiderman is always hungry... E o homem-aranha está sempre esfomeado...

Composição: Robert James Smith, Simon Gallup, Laurence Andrew Tolhurst, Roger O_donnell, Bransby Williams Boris Peter, Thompson Paul Stephen

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