You better get ready, you better get ready
You better make your preparation for a Heavenly celebration
You better get yourself all ready for that day
There's a time that's coming soon when your life down here must end
And you face the Lord and King up there on high
You better get ready for that day, or you will be cast away
To that dungeon where your soul will surely die
You better get ready, you better get ready
You better pray and read your Bible, or the Lord will hold you liable
You better get yourself all ready for that day
I was numbered with the lost, in the storms of life was tossed
And the sunshine never seemed to light my day
But He who made the might of stars for ***
Sent an angel down to help me on my way
You better get ready, you better get ready
You better get down on your prayer bones and read that heavenly telephone
You better get yourself all ready for that day
You better get ready, you better get ready
You better make your preparation for a Heavenly celebration
You better pray and read your Bible, or the Lord will hold you liable
You better get down on your prayer bones and read that heavenly telephone
You better get yourself all ready for that day