Kiss out of the bearded barley Kiss out of the bearded barley Beije-me fora da moitinha de cevada Nightly,beside the green,green grass Nightly,beside the green,green grass toda noite, junto à grama verde, verde Swing,Swing,swing the spinning step Swing,Swing,swing the spinning step balance, balance, balance o degrau giratório You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress Você calça aqueles sapatos e eu vestirei aquele vestido Chorus Chorus Refrão Oh,kiss me beneath the milky twilight Oh,kiss me beneath the milky twilight Ah, me beije sob o crepúsculo leitoso Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lead me out on the moonlit floor Leve-me para fora, no chão enluarado Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance Chame a banda e faça os fagalumes dançarem Silver moon´s sparkling,so kiss me Silver moon´s sparkling,so kiss me a lua prateada está cintilante, então me beije Kiss me down by the broken tree house Kiss me down by the broken tree house Beije-me debaixo da casinha da árvore quebrada Swing me upon its hanging tire Swing me upon its hanging tire Banlance-me bem alto no pneu pendurado nela Bring,bring,bring your flowered hat Bring,bring,bring your flowered hat Traga, traga, traga seu chapéu florido We´ll take the trail marked on your father´s map We´ll take the trail marked on your father´s map seguiremos a trilha marcada no mapa do teu pai Chorus (2x) Chorus (2x) Refrão (2x) So kiss me... So kiss me... Então, me beije