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Hanging Around

Andando Por Aí

I wonder what it's like I wonder what it's like Eu queria saber como é seeing through your eyes seeing through your eyes Ver através dos seus olhos You've offered me to have a try You've offered me to have a try Você me ofereceu isso uma vez but I was always late but I was always late mas eu sempre chegava tarde The filters that I use The filters that I use As "máscaras" que eu uso give me an excuse give me an excuse me dão uma desculpa I take away what's real I take away what's real Eu jogo fora aquilo que é real I feel it and it blows my fuse I feel it and it blows my fuse E ao sentir isso algo em mim explode I hang around I hang around Eu fico por aí for another round for another round esperando uma outra vez I'm hanging around I'm hanging around Eu estou andando por aí for another round for another round esperando uma outra vez I'm hanging on I'm hanging on Eu estou me segurando to the same old song to the same old song naquela mesma velha música I hang around I hang around Eu fico por aí for another round for another round esperando uma outra vez Until something stops me Until something stops me Até algo me pare I wonder what it's like I wonder what it's like Eu queria saber como é walking by your side walking by your side andar do seu lado To think before I talk To think before I talk pensar antes de falar and to move at the same speed as you walk and to move at the same speed as you walk e mover-me tão rápido quanto você anda I want to have a weight I want to have a weight Eu quero ter um peso to keep me in your state to keep me in your state para me manter igual a você I'm watching from above I'm watching from above Eu vejo tudo de cima I love it but it's not for me I love it but it's not for me Eu adoro isso, mas não é para mim

Composição: Nina Persson/Peter Svensson

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