
Have a Cuppa Tea

Tener un té Cuppa

Granny's always ravin' and rantin', Granny's always ravin' and rantin', Abuela siempre Ravin y rantín ' And she's always puffin' and pantin', And she's always puffin' and pantin', Y ella siempre frailecillo y pantin ' And she's always screaming and shouting, And she's always screaming and shouting, Y ella está siempre gritando y gritando , And she's always brewing up tea. And she's always brewing up tea. Y ella siempre elaboración de la cerveza el té . Grandpappy's never late for his dinner, Grandpappy's never late for his dinner, Nunca es tarde Grandpappy para su cena, Cos he loves his leg of beef Cos he loves his leg of beef Porque ama a su pierna de carne de vacuno And he washes it down with a brandy, And he washes it down with a brandy, Y se lava hacia abajo con una copa de brandy , And a fresh made pot of tea. And a fresh made pot of tea. Y una olla fresca hecha de té. Chorus: Chorus: Estribillo: Have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea, Have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea, Tiene una taza de té de té , tomar un té taza de té , have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea, Tiene una taza de té té , tomar un té taza de té , Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Rosie Lea Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Rosie Lea Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya , Rosie Lea Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Rosie Lea. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Rosie Lea. ¡Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya , Rosie Lea. If you feel a bit under the weather, If you feel a bit under the weather, Si usted se siente un poco en el tiempo , If you feel a little bit peeved, If you feel a little bit peeved, Si usted se siente un poco molesta , Take granny's stand-by potion Take granny's stand-by potion Disfruta de la abuela "stand-by poción For any old cough or wheeze. For any old cough or wheeze. Para cualquier tipo de tos o sibilancias de edad . It's a cure for hepatitis, it's a cure for chronic insomnia, It's a cure for hepatitis, it's a cure for chronic insomnia, Se trata de una cura para la hepatitis , es la cura para el insomnio crónico , It's a cure for tonsillitis and for water on the knee. It's a cure for tonsillitis and for water on the knee. Es una cura para la amigdalitis y de agua en la rodilla . Chorus Chorus Coro Tea in the morning, tea in the evening, tea at supper time, Tea in the morning, tea in the evening, tea at supper time, Té en la mañana , el té de la tarde, el té a la hora de cenar , You get tea when it's raining, tea when it's snowing, You get tea when it's raining, tea when it's snowing, Usted consigue el té Cuando llueve , el té cuando está nevando , Tea when the weather's fine. Tea when the weather's fine. Cuando té bien el tiempo es . You get tea as a mid-day stimulant You get tea as a mid-day stimulant Usted consigue el té como un estimulante del mediodía You get tea with your afternoon tea You get tea with your afternoon tea Usted consigue el té con su té de la tarde For any old ailment or disease For any old ailment or disease Para cualquier vieja dolencia o enfermedad For Christ sake have a cuppa tea. For Christ sake have a cuppa tea. Por amor de Dios , Que tengas un té taza . Chorus Chorus Coro Whatever the situation, whatever the race or creed, Whatever the situation, whatever the race or creed, Sea cual sea la situación, cualquiera que sea la raza o credo, Tea knows no segregation, no class nor pedigree Tea knows no segregation, no class nor pedigree Te conoce la segregación en la categoría ni pedigrí It knows no motivations, no sect or organisation, It knows no motivations, no sect or organisation, Se sabe las motivaciones, la secta u organización, It knows no one religion, It knows no one religion, No conoce una sola religión, Nor political belief. Nor political belief. Tampoco creencia política. Chorus Chorus Coro

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