Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace el desmond tiene una carretilla en el mercado Molly is the singer in a band Molly is the singer in a band el molly es el cantante en un grupo Desmond say to Molly, girl I like your face Desmond say to Molly, girl I like your face el desmond dice a la muchacha molly que me gusta su cara And molly says this as she takes him by the hand And molly says this as she takes him by the hand y el molly dice esto cuando ella le toma a la mano Obladi, oblada Obladi, oblada Life goes on, brah Life goes on, brah (el coro) ob la di ob la da vida continúa el sujetador La la how their life goes on La la how their life goes on el la la como la vida continúa Obladi, oblada Obladi, oblada el ob la di ob la da vida continúa el sujetador Life goes on, brah Life goes on, brah el la la como la vida continúa La la how their life goes on La la how their life goes on Desmond takes a trolley to the jewelers store Desmond takes a trolley to the jewelers store el desmond toma un tranvía a la tienda de joyeros Buys a twenty carat golden ring, (rin-ring) Buys a twenty carat golden ring, (rin-ring) compra un anillo de oro de veinte quilates Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door lo devuelve a molly que espera en la puerta And as he gives it to her she begins to sing (sin-sing) And as he gives it to her she begins to sing (sin-sing) y cuando él lo da a ella ella comienza a cantar Obladi, oblada Obladi, oblada Life goes on, brah Life goes on, brah coro La la how their life goes on La la how their life goes on Obladi, oblada Obladi, oblada en un par de años ellos han construido Life goes on, brah Life goes on, brah una casa dulce de casa La la how their life goes on La la how their life goes on con un par de niños que corren en la yarda Yeah, in a couple of years they Yeah, in a couple of years they de desmond y molly jones Have built a home sweet home Have built a home sweet home With a couple of kids running in the yard With a couple of kids running in the yard feliz alguna vez después en la plaza del mercado Of Desmond and Molly Jones Of Desmond and Molly Jones el desmond deja a los niños prestar una mano Happy ever after in the market place Happy ever after in the market place el molly se queda en casa y hace su cara bonita Desmond lets the children lend a hand Desmond lets the children lend a hand y por la tarde ella todavía lo canta con el grupo Molly stays at home and does her pretty face Molly stays at home and does her pretty face And in the evening she's a singer with the band And in the evening she's a singer with the band coro Obladi, oblada Obladi, oblada Life goes on, brah Life goes on, brah en un par de años ellos han construido La la how their life goes on La la how their life goes on una casa dulce de casa Obladi, oblada Obladi, oblada con un par de niños que corren en la yarda Life goes on, brah Life goes on, brah de desmond y molly jones La la how their life goes on La la how their life goes on In a couple of years they In a couple of years they feliz alguna vez después en la plaza del mercado Have built a home sweet home Have built a home sweet home el molly deja a los niños prestar una mano With a couple of kids running in the yard With a couple of kids running in the yard el desmond se queda en casa y hace su cara bonita Of Desmond and Molly Jones Of Desmond and Molly Jones y por la tarde ella es un cantante con el grupo Happy ever after in the market place Happy ever after in the market place Molly lets the children lend a hand Molly lets the children lend a hand coro Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face And in the evening she's a singer with the band And in the evening she's a singer with the band y si usted quiere un poco de diversión - toman ob la di bla da Obladi, oblada Obladi, oblada Life goes on, brah Life goes on, brah ¡¡(note - y tomé este poema lírico directamente del álbum entonces sé que ellos tienen razón, incluso el nombre de la canción!!!!!) La la how their life goes on La la how their life goes on Obladi, oblada Obladi, oblada Life goes on, brah Life goes on, brah La la how their life goes on La la how their life goes on And if you want some fun And if you want some fun Take ob-la-di, bla-da Take ob-la-di, bla-da