There is a house in New Orleans There is a house in New Orleans Tem uma casa em New orleans They call the Rising Sun They call the Rising Sun Que se chama "O sol nascente" And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy E Foi a ruina de um pobre garoto And God I know I'm one And God I know I'm one E Deus eu sei Eu sou ele My mother was a tailor My mother was a tailor Minha mãe era uma alfaiate She sewed my new bluejeans She sewed my new bluejeans Ela costurou meu novo jeans My father was a gamblin' man My father was a gamblin' man Meu pai era um jogador (jogos de azar) fracassado Down in New Orleans Down in New Orleans em New Orleans Now the only thing a gambler needs Now the only thing a gambler needs agora a unica coisa que um jogador precisa Is a suitcase and trunk Is a suitcase and trunk é um terno e uma mala de viagem And the only time he's satisfied And the only time he's satisfied e apenas tempo para se satisfazer Is when he's on a drunk Is when he's on a drunk é quando ele está bebedo ------ organ solo ------ ------ organ solo ------ Oh mother tell your children Oh mother tell your children Oh mãe fale para a criança Not to do what I have done Not to do what I have done não fazer o que eu fiz Spend your lives in sin and misery Spend your lives in sin and misery disperdiçar sua vida em mentiras e miseria In the House of the Rising Sun In the House of the Rising Sun na casa do sol nascente Well, I got one foot on the platform Well, I got one foot on the platform Bem, eu tinha um pé na plataforma The other foot on the train The other foot on the train o outro pé no trem I'm goin' back to New Orleans I'm goin' back to New Orleans Eu vou voltar para New Orleans To wear that ball and chain To wear that ball and chain Para vestir a bola(de ferro) e algemas Well, there is a house in New Orleans Well, there is a house in New Orleans Bem, tem uma casa em New Orleans They call the Rising Sun They call the Rising Sun Que se chama "O sol nascente And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy E Foi a ruina de um pobre garoto And God I know I'm one And God I know I'm one E Deus eu sei Eu sou ele