Asking for salvation at the stations of the cross, eternal is my pledge if eternal is thy loss Asking for salvation at the stations of the cross, eternal is my pledge if eternal is thy loss Pedindo a salvação em estações da cruz, é a minha eterna se eterna promessa é tua perda Back in the days of yore my country summoned me, enlisted willingly in defense of liberty Back in the days of yore my country summoned me, enlisted willingly in defense of liberty Voltar nos dias de outrora meu país me convocou, alistado voluntariamente na defesa da liberdade Eroding all alone like the mist upon the moss, eternal is my pledge an eternal holocaust Eroding all alone like the mist upon the moss, eternal is my pledge an eternal holocaust Sozinhos como erodir toda a névoa sobre o musgo, a minha eterna é uma promessa eterna holocausto They summoned me, honorably, defend the cause, never repent, away I went, to defend the cause They summoned me, honorably, defend the cause, never repent, away I went, to defend the cause Eles me convocou, honrosamente, defender a causa, nunca se arrependem, eu fui embora, para defender a causa When I was sent away they made a soldier from a boy When I was sent away they made a soldier from a boy Quando fui mandado para longe que eles fizeram um soldado de um menino Victory will be achieved lethal weapons to destroy Victory will be achieved lethal weapons to destroy Vitória será alcançada a destruir armas letais Killing season, has begun with blood in my eyes the truth blames the lies Killing season, has begun with blood in my eyes the truth blames the lies Matar época, já se iniciou com o sangue nos meus olhos a verdade a culpa recai Machine gun, no place to run killing season Machine gun, no place to run killing season Metralhadora, não há lugar para correr matando temporada I was taught the art of war, kill I was taught the art of war, kill Fui ensinado a arte da guerra, matar Exploding all alone like the blood upon the moss, Exploding all alone like the blood upon the moss, Explodindo tudo sozinho como o sangue sobre o musgo, Eternal is my pledge if eternal is thy loss Eternal is my pledge if eternal is thy loss Eterno é o meu caso eterna promessa é tua perda They summoned me, honorably, defend the cause, never repent, They summoned me, honorably, defend the cause, never repent, Eles me convocou, honrosamente, defender a causa, nunca se arrependem, Away I went, to defend the cause Away I went, to defend the cause Fui longe, para defender a causa When I was sent away they made a soldier from a boy When I was sent away they made a soldier from a boy Quando fui mandado para longe que eles fizeram um soldado de um menino Victory will be achieved lethal weapons to destroy Victory will be achieved lethal weapons to destroy Vitória será alcançada a destruir armas letais Killing season, has begun with blood in my eyes the truth blames the lies Killing season, has begun with blood in my eyes the truth blames the lies Matar época, já se iniciou com o sangue nos meus olhos a verdade a culpa recai Machine gun, no place to run killing season Machine gun, no place to run killing season Metralhadora, não há lugar para correr matando temporada Chosen one, with death on my hands, killing season Chosen one, with death on my hands, killing season Escolhido um, com a morte em minhas mãos, matando temporada Art of war, kill on command, killing season Art of war, kill on command, killing season Arte da guerra, no comando matar, matar temporada Killing season, killing season Killing season, killing season Matar época, matando temporada Killing season, killing season Killing season, killing season Matar época, matando temporada