
More of You

Mais de Você

I'll rest and openly confess I'll rest and openly confess Vou descansar e confessar I'll live, I'll breathe, I'll walk in You my King I'll live, I'll breathe, I'll walk in You my King Vou viver, vou respirar, eu vou andar em você, meu rei I'll sing and give You everything I'll sing and give You everything Eu vou cantar e dar-lhe tudo You are all I want, You're all I need You are all I want, You're all I need Você é tudo que eu quero, Tu és tudo que eu preciso You are my King - O' Lord move in me You are my King - O' Lord move in me Você é meu Rei - move ó Senhor em mim I commit myself to You completely I commit myself to You completely Comprometo-me inteiramente a Ti I have tasted of Your love and still I am thirsty for... I have tasted of Your love and still I am thirsty for... Já provei do seu amor e eu ainda estou com sede de ... More of You and less of me More of You and less of me Mais de Ti e menos de mim Jesus come and be a light in me Jesus come and be a light in me Jesus veio e ser uma luz em mim Burn like the sun for the world to see Burn like the sun for the world to see Queima como o sol para o mundo ver Be glorified Be glorified Seja glorificado You came and openly declared that You came and openly declared that Você veio e declarou abertamente que You alone could save me from despair You alone could save me from despair Você só pode salvar-me do desespero You came and hung upon a tree You came and hung upon a tree Você veio e pendurado em uma árvore And openly declared Your love as You died for me And openly declared Your love as You died for me E declarou abertamente seu amor como morreu por mim O' Lord move in me O' Lord move in me O movimento 'Senhor em mim I commit myself to You completely I commit myself to You completely Comprometo-me inteiramente a Ti I have tasted of Your love and still I am thirsty for... I have tasted of Your love and still I am thirsty for... Já provei do seu amor e eu ainda estou com sede de ...

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