[Demo Version] [Demo Version] [Versão Demo] Can you think about it? Can you think about it? Você pode pensar sobre isto? Children dying everyday Children dying everyday Crianças morrendo todos os dias, They can't get their away (Africa) They can't get their away (Africa) Eles não podem ir embora. How can we close our eyes? How can we close our eyes? Como podemos fechar nossos olhos? Leave out their dreams and broken hearts Leave out their dreams and broken hearts Deixar seus sonhos e corações partidos They don't have a chance living in misery They don't have a chance living in misery Eles não tem chances vivendo na miseria. Sometimes I turn the TV on Sometimes I turn the TV on Ás vezes, eu ligo a TV And I feel like screaming And I feel like screaming E eu sinto vontade de gritar Many people just like me Many people just like me Muitas pessoas só como eu Wait the time to fade away Wait the time to fade away Espera o tempo para desaparecer Can you think about it? Can you think about it? Você pode pensar sobre isso? A child cries for one day more A child cries for one day more Uma criança chora por mais um dia, Cries with all her faith (dream on) Cries with all her faith (dream on) chora com toda sua fé (continua sonhando) They don't deserve it They don't deserve it Eles não merecem isto, And die without a hope to survive And die without a hope to survive E morrem sem esperança de sobreviver, We have to believe and save Africa We have to believe and save Africa Nós temos que acreditar e salvar a Africa, People in the hole world that nothing can about it People in the hole world that nothing can about it Pessoas num mundo que não podem nada, Try to help and bring their hope again Try to help and bring their hope again Tentam ajudar e trazer suas esperanças de volta, Man of power turn thir back and kill in the silence Man of power turn thir back and kill in the silence O poder do homem está de volta e matam em silêncio, People must forget them and go on People must forget them and go on Pessoas devem esquecer e seguir em frente!