Stones are getting colder Stones are getting colder Pedras estão ficando mais frias Leaves are turning brown Leaves are turning brown Folhas são marrom de giro Paintings lose their color Paintings lose their color Pinturas perdem a sua cor Kings lay down their crown Kings lay down their crown Reis estabelecer sua coroa Nights are getting colder Nights are getting colder Noites estão ficando mais frias Soldiers lost their faith Soldiers lost their faith Soldados perderam a fé Dreamers have stopped dreaming Dreamers have stopped dreaming Sonhadores têm parado de sonhar Heaven no longer waits Heaven no longer waits O céu já não espera Chorus Chorus Coro Why worry, why worry Why worry, why worry Por que se preocupar, por que se preocupar I'm still here for you I'm still here for you Eu ainda estou aqui para você Why worry, why worry Why worry, why worry Por que se preocupar, por que se preocupar 'Cause my light will always shine on you 'Cause my light will always shine on you Porque a minha luz brilhará sempre em você Earth has stopped revolving Earth has stopped revolving Terra parou The moon has lost its glow The moon has lost its glow A lua perdeu seu brilho Seasons have stopped turning Seasons have stopped turning Estações pararam de girar Rivers no longer flow Rivers no longer flow Rios já não Chorus Chorus Coro Sometimes the one thing, Sometimes the one thing, Às vezes, a única coisa, that you're looking for that you're looking for que você está procurando Will be the one thing, Will be the one thing, Será a única coisa, you can't see you can't see você não pode ver Chorus Chorus Coro