
The Colors Changed

As Cores Mudaram

Fought my way through Fought my way through Encontrei meu caminho através dos tristes becos, senti a tempestade em minha face Gloomy alleys Gloomy alleys Olhei a minha volta e percebi algumas flores cobrindo o empedernido espaço Felt the storm on my face Felt the storm on my face E eu senti um avanço de sangue para minha cabeça Looked around me Looked around me E isso despertou em mim o sentimento que eu havia escondido As I noticed some flowers As I noticed some flowers Cores, por favor, cresçam para mim, pintem o meu mundo de rosa Covering stony space Covering stony space Mantenha-me apenas protegido e aquecido And it felt like a rush of blood to my head And it felt like a rush of blood to my head Salve meus valores perdidos em cujos um dia eu acreditei... Mostre-me... And it woke in me feelings And it woke in me feelings Estava chovendo das fachadas quando os muros começaram a desaparecer? I had hidden away I had hidden away Olho ao meu redor e parece que todas as cores mudaram. Colors please grow for me Colors please grow for me E eu senti um avanço de sangue para minha cabeça Paint my world rosely Paint my world rosely E isso despertou em mim o sentimento que eu havia escondido Show me Show me E eu começo a pintar este lugar tão maravilhosamente quanto ele pode ser Was it raining from the facades Was it raining from the facades E eu pinto coloridamente para cobrir todas as rachaduras que eu vejo When the walls started to fade? When the walls started to fade? Desenhando as linhas que eu deveria ter feito há muito tempo com agradáveis traços Look around me and it seems like Look around me and it seems like Deixe-as preencher o lugar de receio e fumaça impenetrável All the colors have changed All the colors have changed Cores nos meus olhos substituem a atmosfera acromática And it feels like a rush of blood to my head And it feels like a rush of blood to my head Eu fantasiei ou é o som de pássaros que eu posso ouvir? And it wakes in me feelings And it wakes in me feelings Quando eu persigo as folhas que caem e traço seus caminhos tão conscientemente I had hidden away I had hidden away Irão finalmente me guiar ao meu mundo e à eternidade? Colors please grow for me Colors please grow for me Não irá ascender? Cresça meu jardim, por favor, meu Éden, floresça para mim. Paint my world rosely Paint my world rosely Mostre-me como decorar as ruas que meu trouxeram agonia Keep me just sheltered and warm Keep me just sheltered and warm Estenda suas raízes e exploda todas estas pedras que constroem o muro Save my lost blossoming values Save my lost blossoming values Estilhace tudo o que me prende aqui, não desista, por favor, escute meu chamado... I once trusted in... Show me I once trusted in... Show me And it feels like a rush of blood to my head And it feels like a rush of blood to my head And it wakes in me feelings And it wakes in me feelings I had hidden away I had hidden away And I start to paint this place as marvelous as it can be And I start to paint this place as marvelous as it can be And I paint it colorful to cover all the cracks I see And I paint it colorful to cover all the cracks I see Draw the lines I should have made so long ago with graceful strokes Draw the lines I should have made so long ago with graceful strokes Let it fill the place of distrust and impenetrable smoke Let it fill the place of distrust and impenetrable smoke Colors in my eyes replace the achromatic atmosphere Colors in my eyes replace the achromatic atmosphere Do I fantasize or it's the sound of birds that I can hear? Do I fantasize or it's the sound of birds that I can hear? When I chase the falling leafs and track their path so mindfully When I chase the falling leafs and track their path so mindfully Will they finally guide me to my world and to eternity? Will they finally guide me to my world and to eternity? Would you shoot up, grow my garden, please my Eden grow for me Would you shoot up, grow my garden, please my Eden grow for me Show me how you decorate the streets that brought me misery Show me how you decorate the streets that brought me misery Outspread all your roots and blow up all these stones that build the wall Outspread all your roots and blow up all these stones that build the wall Shatter all that binds me here, don't give up, please hear my call Shatter all that binds me here, don't give up, please hear my call Colors please grow for me Colors please grow for me Paint my world rosely Paint my world rosely Keep me just sheltered and warm Keep me just sheltered and warm Save my lost blossoming values Save my lost blossoming values I once trusted in I once trusted in Show me Show me

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