Black shivers Black shivers Calafrios negros Black eyes Black eyes Olhos negros Call me at the nighttime Call me at the nighttime Me chame de noite Black laurels feed my endless love Black laurels feed my endless love Glórias negras alimentam meu amor inacabável You've got to meet me, alone in the dusk You've got to meet me, alone in the dusk Você tem que me encontrar, sozinha no escuro And I cry all my river of darkness And I cry all my river of darkness E eu choro meu rio de escuridão Come to me and join the eternal ballet Come to me and join the eternal ballet Venha pra mim e participe do ballet eterno And let your soul burn, now... And let your soul burn, now... E deixe sua alma queimar, agora... Black wind blows Black wind blows Ventos negros sopram Black fate grows Black fate grows Destino negro cresce In my unnatural lifestyle In my unnatural lifestyle No meu estilo de vida anormal Black blood runs through my blackned veins Black blood runs through my blackned veins Sangue negro corre através das minhas vias negras You've got to meet me, just call my name... You've got to meet me, just call my name... Você tem que me encontrar, apenas chame meu nome Nosferatu... Nosferatu... Nosferatu... Say my name and join my endless dark Say my name and join my endless dark Diga meu nome e compartilhe minha escuridão sem fim Nosferatu... Nosferatu... Nosferatu... Dance to me and fill my frighful dreams Dance to me and fill my frighful dreams Dance para mim e sacie meus pesadelos Night creepers Night creepers Rastejadores da noite Night brides Night brides Noivas da noite United for a lifetime United for a lifetime Unidos por uma eternidade Nightcrawlers smooth your harmless soil Nightcrawlers smooth your harmless soil Répteis noturnos alisam sua inofensiva desgraça You've got to meet me, like ashes to dust You've got to meet me, like ashes to dust Você tem que me encontrar, como cinzas And I cry all my river of darkness And I cry all my river of darkness E eu choro meu rio de escuridão Come to me and join the eternal ballet Come to me and join the eternal ballet Venha pra mim e participe do ballet eterno And let your soul burn, now... And let your soul burn, now... E deixe sua alma queimar, agora... Chorus Chorus Refrão Come to me... Come to me... Venha para mim.... Come... Come... Venha...