


1. Saruman come forth. 1. Saruman come forth. sarumam vem afrente 2. I am Sarum the white, Saruman of many colours. 2. I am Sarum the white, Saruman of many colours. eu sou sarum o branco, sarumam de muitas cores 3. Middle days are passing, 3. Middle days are passing, meios dias passam younger days .... younger days .... dias mais curtos... The nine have come forth again The nine have come forth again o nono está afrente novamente 4. A new power is rising, the victory is at hand and there will be rich reward for thoser who aid it. 4. A new power is rising, the victory is at hand and there will be rich reward for thoser who aid it. um novo poder esta nascendo, a vitoria está a mao e lá havera uma rica recompensa para aqueles que ajuda-los 5. By night or day. Are we not both members of a high and ancient order (most excellent in Middle Earth). 5. By night or day. Are we not both members of a high and ancient order (most excellent in Middle Earth). por noite ou dia. Nos nao somos ambos membros duma maior e mais antiga ordem 6. The friedship of Saruman and the power of Orthanc (can not be lightly thrown aside), 6. The friedship of Saruman and the power of Orthanc (can not be lightly thrown aside), a amizade de saurumam e o poder de Orthanc(nao pode ser deixada de lado) you have won a battle but not a war. you have won a battle but not a war. voce venceu uma batalha mas nao uma guerra. 7. Will you have peace with me. And all the aid that my knowledge, founded in long years can bring. 7. Will you have peace with me. And all the aid that my knowledge, founded in long years can bring. Voce tera paz comigo. E todo o socorro que meu conhecimento, adquirido em longos anos pode trazer. 8. Good days, come back by night or day. 8. Good days, come back by night or day. Bons dias, voltem pela noite ou pela dia

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