
Severed Head

Cabeça Decepada

He killed her with a hammer in her sleep He killed her with a hammer in her sleep Ele a matou com um martelo em seu sono Cut off her head and hands Cut off her head and hands Cortar a cabeça e as mãos And then put her vocal chords in the garbage disposal And then put her vocal chords in the garbage disposal E em seguida, colocar suas cordas vocais no triturador And threw darts at her severed head And threw darts at her severed head E jogou dardos em sua cabeça decepada Severed head Severed head Cabeça decepada Cannibalizing Cannibalizing Canibalizar Raping her headless body Raping her headless body Estuprar o corpo sem cabeça

Composição: Johan Vanroy

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