Deformed faces Deformed faces Faces deformadas On the ground On the ground No chão Deceased corpses Deceased corpses Cadáveres falecidos Slaughtered mankind Slaughtered mankind Massacrado Choosing target Choosing target Escolhendo o alvo Setting aim Setting aim Mirando Pull the trigger Pull the trigger Puxe o gatilho No one's to blame No one's to blame Ninguém é a culpado Putrefied Putrefied Apodrecer Smell the flesh Smell the flesh Cheirar a carne Rotten to the bone Rotten to the bone Podre até o osso Putrefied Putrefied Apodrecer Start the process Start the process Iniciar o processo The final slaught The final slaught O ataque final The process The process O processo Execution Execution Execução Of our mind Of our mind De sua mente No delusion No delusion Sem ilusão Shut up and die Shut up and die Cale a boca e morra Self cremation Self cremation Auto-cremação Self destruct Self destruct Auto-destruição Disillusion Disillusion Desilusão No one´s to trust No one´s to trust Ninguém é para confiar Putrefied Putrefied Apodrecer Smell the flesh Smell the flesh Cheirar a carne Rotten to the bone Rotten to the bone Podre até o osso Putrefied Putrefied Apodrecer Start the process Start the process Iniciar o processo The final slaught The final slaught O ataque final