
Putrefaction Process

Processo de Putrefação

Deformed faces Deformed faces Faces deformadas On the ground On the ground No chão Deceased corpses Deceased corpses Cadáveres falecidos Slaughtered mankind Slaughtered mankind Massacrado Choosing target Choosing target Escolhendo o alvo Setting aim Setting aim Mirando Pull the trigger Pull the trigger Puxe o gatilho No one's to blame No one's to blame Ninguém é a culpado Putrefied Putrefied Apodrecer Smell the flesh Smell the flesh Cheirar a carne Rotten to the bone Rotten to the bone Podre até o osso Putrefied Putrefied Apodrecer Start the process Start the process Iniciar o processo The final slaught The final slaught O ataque final The process The process O processo Execution Execution Execução Of our mind Of our mind De sua mente No delusion No delusion Sem ilusão Shut up and die Shut up and die Cale a boca e morra Self cremation Self cremation Auto-cremação Self destruct Self destruct Auto-destruição Disillusion Disillusion Desilusão No one´s to trust No one´s to trust Ninguém é para confiar Putrefied Putrefied Apodrecer Smell the flesh Smell the flesh Cheirar a carne Rotten to the bone Rotten to the bone Podre até o osso Putrefied Putrefied Apodrecer Start the process Start the process Iniciar o processo The final slaught The final slaught O ataque final

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