

Massacre (Tradução)

World of destruction World of destruction Mundo da destruição Turn into hell Turn into hell Vire num inferno Head for reduction Head for reduction Chefe de redução You´re under my spell You´re under my spell Você está sob meu feitiço Massacre Massacre Massacre Burn me in hell Burn me in hell No inferno me Queimar Massacre Massacre Massacre Under my spell Under my spell Sob o meu soletrar We´re the servants We´re the servants Nós somos os agentes The servants of their will The servants of their will Os agentes de sua vontade And they´re the serpents And they´re the serpents E eles estão a serpentes The serpents that kill The serpents that kill As serpentes que matam Massacre Massacre Massacre Burn me in hell Burn me in hell No inferno me Queimar Massacre Massacre Massacre Under my spell Under my spell Sob o meu soletrar

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