I gotta gotta take a trip, gotta take a trip out of this place I gotta gotta take a trip, gotta take a trip out of this place Eu tenho que fazer uma viagem, tenho que fazer uma viagem para fora deste lugar I gotta gotta get away, get away from the human race I gotta gotta get away, get away from the human race Eu tenho que ir embora, ficar longe da raça humana I don't know what I'll see, don't even know what I'll find I don't know what I'll see, don't even know what I'll find Eu não sei o que vou ver, nem mesmo sei o que vou encontrar I don't know what to pack, never been to a trip at the mind I don't know what to pack, never been to a trip at the mind Não sei o que levar na mala, nunca estive em uma viagem na mente Trip at the brain. Trip at the brain. Trip at the brain Trip at the brain. Trip at the brain. Trip at the brain Viagem no cérebro. Viagem no cérebro. Viagem no cérebro. Do you know what I'm saying? Do you know what I'm saying? Você sabe o que estou dizendo? Trip at the brain. Trip at the brain. Trip at the brain Trip at the brain. Trip at the brain. Trip at the brain Viagem no cérebro. Viagem no cérebro. Viagem no cérebro. Well I'm going insane Well I'm going insane Bem, estou ficando louco I took a wrong turn and ended up at my heart I took a wrong turn and ended up at my heart Eu peguei o caminho errado e fui parar no meu coração I t could barely even pump no blood it was so thrashed and I t could barely even pump no blood it was so thrashed and Eu mal conseguia bombear sangue, estava tão surrado e torn apart torn apart dilacerado Thank it for working overtime in pain and misery Thank it for working overtime in pain and misery Obrigado por trabalhar horas extras na dor e na miséria Then I set back on the trail, headed for my destiny Then I set back on the trail, headed for my destiny Então voltei para a trilha, rumo ao meu destino Fly with me Fly with me Voe comigo Flying free Flying free Voando livre Tripping Tripping Viajando You must be tripping You must be tripping Você deve estar viajando Trip, trip, tripping Trip, trip, tripping Via, via, viajando Ya ya ya ya you're tripping Ya ya ya ya you're tripping Ya ya ya ya você está viajando I cannot stop this trip, I forgot to pack the brakes I cannot stop this trip, I forgot to pack the brakes Eu não posso parar esta viagem, esqueci de puxar os freios Crashed straight into a concrete wall of my mistakes Crashed straight into a concrete wall of my mistakes Bati direto em um muro de concreto dos meus erros Ended up in a cemetary of a thousand wasted days Ended up in a cemetary of a thousand wasted days Terminei em um cemitério de mil dias perdidos But that's alright with me, cause that's where most of my But that's alright with me, cause that's where most of my Mas está tudo bem para mim, porque é onde a maior parte das minhas memories lay memories lay memórias residem