So faithful, so few,
so pardon, and done.
And when we recieve,
we give a change at last.
And when we are dead,
we all have wings.
We won't need legs to stand.
And when we recieve,
to see a change at last
So faithful, so few, So faithful, so few, Tão fiel, tão pouco, so pardon, and done. so pardon, and done. Tanto perdão, e feito And when we recieve, And when we recieve, E quando nós recebemos, we give a change at last. we give a change at last. Nós damos uma mudança no passado. And when we are dead, And when we are dead, E quando nós estivermos mortos, we all have wings. we all have wings. Nós todos temos as asas. We won't need legs to stand. We won't need legs to stand. Nós não precisamos de pernas para estar. And when we recieve, And when we recieve, E quando nós recebemos, to see a change at last to see a change at last para ver uma mudança no passado.